Too much waste in personal-use fisheries

Why are you not showing the horrible waste that is happening on at the mouth of the Kenai River? Why are the citizens of Kenai/Soldotna not standing in protest to block entrance? Why is no one putting a stop to the lack of respect for the fish, the city, the limits, the law? What will it take to see change? Does someone have to die?

When locals can’t get in to get their fish to make it through the winter, there is something horribly wrong with the system. Yes we got special funding for more enforcement officers. Yes, there have been a few tickets written, so what … the judges will reduce the fines, give a little tap on the wrist and send them back out to do it again.

I for one am outraged at the condition of our beaches and the amount of waste I’m seeing! Even with extra man power there is absolutely no way law enforcement can stop what is happening without help. We the people need to stand up and take back our beaches, help law enforcement in any way we can to stop the waste.

Subsistence fishing is to help make it through to the next year, not to see how many limits we can get each day for 2 weeks. Stop the madness and the waste!