More than lip service needed from KRSA

The old adage is “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Kenai River Sportsfishing Association (KRSA) statements about conservation on the Kenai River sound great on the surface but when one looks deeper, it’s far from the truth.

Has KRSA advocated for the release of large kings by the guides when kings are in short supply?

Has KRSA worked to promote an expert in conservation to the Board of Fish?

Has KRSA worked publicly to make sure key players in the legislature understand the real issues in this fishery?

Has KRSA advocated for more drift only days on the Kenai River?

Has KRSA advocated for catch and release when kings were opened to bait late in the season?

Has KRSA advocated for local fishermen?

Has KRSA spent money donated from the Kenai River Classic to major local conservation efforts?

Answers to all of these are a resounding no.

I would like to challenge KRSA to get out of the backroom sneaky politics and use their organization to bond this community together instead of tearing it apart.