4 additional cases announced statewide
The school superintendent was diagnosed with kidney cancer days before spring break.
The garden trail would be housed on a 7-acre portion of a borough-owned plot near SoHi.
The governor recently issued mandates that shuttered entertainment venues, bars, dine-in services.
The $1,306 is the amount Dunleavy says Alaskans are owed from the 2019 dividend
The new restrictions begin Friday.
As of Thursday night, the state had conducted 513 tests for the new coronavirus.
The event brings hundreds of local and out-of-area contractors to perform maintenance.
Three Bears and Carr’s Safeway stores are offering special hours for seniors.
The declaration is extended to 90 days.
Community should not come to the hospital or clinics unless they are there for a health care reason.
Blood donors with O-negative blood are especially needed at this time.
“We’re asking you to help us by staying home if at all possible.”
The district is providing free meals for all students at distribution buses for youth 18 and younger
Public buildings are being closed and events canceled locally and across the state.
Late afternoon Friday, the state issued health alert for seniors..
As stores run low on certain items, they are unable to share as much with the food bank.
The events were canceled due to concerns about the new coronavirus.
Recall Dunleavy is working to gather 71,252 signatures.
All 42 schools on the Kenai Peninsula will be closed between March 16-20.