Information for this report was taken from publicly available law enforcement records and includes arrest and citation information. Anyone listed in this report is presumed… Continue reading
Overdrawing the permanent fund places the individual benefit ahead of the common good.
As much as they’ve grown up and matured, they’re still the same kids at heart that I’ve always known.
“I only have 19 giraffe or giraffe-related items on my desk.”
Survivors kick off Relay for Life
I knew it was going to be difficult, but if it wasn’t impossible then I would keep going.
2019 marks the fifth year the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge has hosted a Game Warden Camp for local youth. This camp offers youth the chance… Continue reading
The competition is constantly changing, wherever you go. A few weeks ago at the Exit Glacier Race, I came in second during the 5-kilometer race.… Continue reading
Equal parts tight EP and shaggy dog hangout album.
Susan’s crab cakes, Susan’s halibut a la Fairbanks, Jalapeno-stuffed smoked crab, hot seafood salad
Read the latest reports online
Starting as a carrier in 1990, Doug moved up to assistant circulation manager in 1993
What he calls “honest budgeting,” is largely based on the simple concept of spending within our means.
It’s on the Legislature to act, not the governor.
Learn the story behind this rockin’ reptile.
Life often has a funny way of coming full circle. I like to think I’m a pretty rational person. I also like to think that… Continue reading
Summer is coming to the Kenai Peninsula. Days are getting longer, birds are returning to raise their young, and Alaskans are digging out their camping… Continue reading
This time, the beetle’s rate of spread appears to be outpacing the last outbreak
First performed in 1893, ‘An Ideal Husband’ takes place at a London dinner party.
In our state, we live with mining’s other legacy: permanent pollution.