I want to brag for a second, although my self-deprecating side would argue this whole column is just a biweekly boast. After ignoring incessant calls… Continue reading
If you spend any time in the backcountry it’s bound to happen: an ankle sprain halfway into a day hike, the afternoon blowup that unexpectedly… Continue reading
Climate change should be thoroughly factored into mine planning and regulation.
Perhaps no group of Alaskans has been impacted more severely by the global economic collapse than our fishers and processors
Charles Aguilar’s latest show is at Grace Ridge Brewery
“So,” he said, “there will still be dude and dudette taters?”
Though peatlands cover only 3% of the Earth’s surface, they store twice the amount of carbon as all the world’s forests combined.
Some may question ASAA and our schools if conducting activities is a wise decision in the current environment.
A March 3 lead paragraph in a news story in The New York Times asked, “When can I throw away my mask?” For me, the… Continue reading
The cross-country ski trails adjacent to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters and Visitor Center at the top of Ski Hill Road in Soldotna are… Continue reading
Pratt Museum show also includes new work by photographers, writer
Vaccination comes as a welcome opportunity to return to normalcy.
But the best part about March isn’t just the snow, it’s the longer daylight hours and the milder temperatures to go enjoy it.
Nordic skiing has been a great equalizer for me this winter. I often spend my days doing laps around Bear Lake in Seward or training… Continue reading
Sea stars are a keystone species. As a top predator, they can restructure intertidal communities. For example, by feeding on mussels, they open up limited… Continue reading
Conjuring the Philippines with chicken adobo
The effect of this rent relief is positive for more than those who live in these households.
I was skiing along a lake in the canoe system on a clear, cold winter day, enjoying the crisp fresh air and the shushing sound… Continue reading
For Bunnell residency, artist also will look at frayed, found objects like rope and nets
There’s a lot of snow out there. After asking somebody about their weekend, he proceeded to tell me about chain-sawing blocks of snow on his… Continue reading