Let us start with a riddle. There are 11 frogs sitting on a log. Five of the frogs decide to jump off the log. How… Continue reading
We cannot afford a return to the complacency which triggered the worst oil spill in Alaska’s history.
At the University of Alaska Anchorage, we have not entered into this process lightly.
And it’s all made of felt.
Recipes: Crisp Gnocchi and Brussels Sprouts in Brown Butter, Breakfast Slab Pie
Not knowing isn’t a matter of ignorance of apathy. It’s not our job.
Our elected leaders need to talk truthfully about taxes.
Alaska is our country’s last salmon state.
The markers for a child’s adult success develop early in life.
This past weekend I spent my Saturday night waxing skis. Sunday, I woke up before the crack of dawn, at 7:30 a.m., to make the… Continue reading
Winter is my favorite season here on the Kenai Peninsula. Everything is slower, quieter. You can just sense that the energy is calmer than the… Continue reading
Alaska deserves better than a tall man who simply puts on a kuspuk and claims to support Alaskans.
Hope art students display their craft
Halibut enchiladas, halibut honey-mustard fingers, angel food pineapple dessert
What’s happening this week.
‘We all have a response to Denali in different ways.’
My friends fishing commercially in Cook Inlet broke even the last two years if they were lucky.
Into everyone’s life comes a person who is a pleasant memory and a little bit of mystery.
We owe it to them, and to our students, to provide for an adequate pool of substitute employees.
As we prepare for Valentine’s Day, we may be thinking of the first two definitions for love.