Social Security not a ‘free ride’
I would like to address an annoying issue that has been batted about for some time. Social Security and Medicare are not “entitlements.” Social Security was established in the 1930s under FDR to provide a service/trust for working Americans. At age 16, I began paying into that trust and have been doing so for almost 55 years. Every paycheck has Social Security taxes taken out, and since I am still working, they are still taken out.
Medicare was established later, and again it was an effort to provide for American workers. This is not a free program. A fee was taken out of my Social Security check to pay for Medicare and the Plan D drug assistance plan. What I would receive from Social Security is reduced by the Medicare and Plan D payments.
Seniors are not getting a “free ride.” We have paid into the programs for many years, and many still do.
One simple and reasonable solution for Social Security’s financial problems has been suggested, raise the cap on taxes and it will cover the shortfall, simple, clean and direct.
Thank you,
Lee Coray-Ludden
KHLT grateful for Homer’s support
Kachemak Heritage Land Trust would like to thank the City of Homer for the grant support we received in 2016 as administered through the Homer Foundation. These important grant funds support our mission, conserving the natural heritage of the Kenai Peninsula for future generations. The partially matched funds were spent on local projects including important community collaborations through multiple partnership opportunities we had throughout the year. Examples of such projects include; working with Homer Wilderness Leaders youth on maintaining our Calvin and Coyle Trail, assisting us with our Poopdeck Platt property’s garden area, and, with significant assistance from the National Park Service’s Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program, KHLT staff created a conceptual site plan for our Poopdeck Platt property. KHLT intends for our 3.47 center of town property to become a place of community pride that is recognized as an example of how conservation connects people to land. We want to thank the City for this important funding opportunity that supports our local non-profits, and for the grant selection committee for their hard work screening and selecting applicants. Thank you City of Homer, we appreciate your continued support of our conservation efforts, protecting irreplaceable lands for generations to come.
Marie McCarty
Executive Director