A heartfelt thank you to the outstanding individuals and businesses of our community for your continuing generous support for our fellow neighbors in Nikiski: Peak Oilfield Services, Tom Pellegrom and Doug Thompson; M&M Market, Felix and Pam Martinez; Nikiski Building Supply, Ron and Louise Mika; Charlie’s Pizza, Steve and Jennifer Chamberlain; Dan Carsten, Principal at the Nikiski High school; Audrey Johnson, at the Nikiski Post Office; North Star Methodist Church, location of our local food pantry; VIP Services, Vi Handcock; and of course many many others in our community! Thank you for the years and years of giving to the food pantry so our community has enough food for everyone.
The food pantry provides food for over 200 people a month. And with the upcoming Holidays the food pantry has expressed the need for donations of $4500.00 for each holiday of Thanksgiving and Christmas, to insure that we can provide families with a need a food box.
So that not one family goes without enough on these special family Holidays, we are asking our neighbors to reach into your pockets and help our community again this year. If you can please make a donation to “Holiday Food Boxes”
Donations of monetary variety can be dropped off to Audrey at Nikiski Post office, or mailed to North Star Methodist Church at; P.O. Box 8122, Nikiski 99635. Or food items can be delivered to the pantry on Thursdays from 9 a.m.-noon at 51095 Kenai Spur Highway.
“Thank you” in advance for feeding families in need.