Letters to the Editor

Gas pipeline to Cook Inlet benefits Alaskans

I would like to suggest that we build a pipeline which helps the residents of Alaska. As a person whose company built a chemical plant… Continue reading

  • Apr 8, 2015
  • By Paul D. Morrison

Income tax not the answer

Now a representative wants to take money from Alaskans to fund their spending. If the state cannot live within the confines of their budget then… Continue reading

  • Apr 6, 2015
  • By Bruce Galloway

Legislators not putting Alaskans first

Our current economic crisis is partly a result of poor decisions made in the past by some of our elected legislators and former governors. Those… Continue reading

  • Apr 7, 2015
  • By Hugh R. Hays

Cinderella’s Closet helps make prom night magical

“I didn’t think I would be able to go to prom.” Those tearful and heartfelt words I was recently told by an area high school… Continue reading

  • Apr 7, 2015
  • By Meggean L. Bos

Support contributes to hockey team’s success

The players, coaches and parents of the Kenai Peninsula Hockey Association U14 girl’s team would like to thank the entire community for their generous support… Continue reading

  • Apr 7, 2015
  • By Tamara Miller

Cook Inlet clam protections overdue

Thank goodness! Fish and Game finally have done something to protect the east side clams. I have clammed on the east side since 1974, over… Continue reading

  • Apr 2, 2015
  • By Tom Hunt

Compromise takes both sides

Each time this topic arises it is a case of Finnegan Begin Again. Regarding compromise, Anderson, P.C. 3-29-15, the 50 percent is out there in… Continue reading

  • Apr 3, 2015
  • By John McCombs

LeeShore appreciative of support

The LeeShore Center would like to give our thanks to Sportsman’s Warehouse for donating the bucket and silent auction proceeds to our agency from their… Continue reading

  • Apr 3, 2015
  • By Cheri Smith

Many hands make for successful basketball season

The Kenai Basketball program would like to thank all of the parents, volunteers, local businesses, and fans that supported our teams during the 2014-2015 season.… Continue reading

  • Apr 3, 2015
  • By Kenai Kard’s Basketball Booster Club

A little consideration goes a long way

I was at Fred Meyer in a wheelchair van parked in a handicap parking space. When I came out, someone had parked right next to… Continue reading

  • Mar 30, 2015
  • By Kathleen Muller

Family appreciates care at Heritage Place

We want to share our appreciation and extend a public thank you to all of the staff at Heritage Place for the community of care… Continue reading

  • Mar 31, 2015
  • By Rob and Cathy (Shaw) Wooton

Free ride for Alaskans coming to an end

As one of those Alaskans who for the last 65 years felt independent while gleefully taking a free tax ride since we hit oil, well,… Continue reading

  • Mar 26, 2015
  • By Clem Tillion

Time for compromise in Cook Inlet fisheries

After fifty years in the salmon fishery I recall after season trips to the Little Su, Alexander and Montana creeks where my wife and I… Continue reading

  • Mar 27, 2015
  • By John A. Anderson

State lawmakers should provide their own insurance

If Rep. Shelley Hughes, the Republican State House member from Palmer, really believes what she is saying that “a caring person wants to see someone… Continue reading

  • Mar 27, 2015
  • By Neil Robinson

Medicaid expansion even more important

Nothing like getting the rug pulled out from beneath you to force you to re-evaluate your attitude about things. In December, I lost my high-paying… Continue reading

  • Mar 24, 2015
  • By Eric Treider

Letter writer offers apology, explanation

I apologize for the letter expressing my beliefs about diplomacy as opposed to war with Iran in Tuesday’s Clarion. More precisely this letter was written… Continue reading

  • Mar 25, 2015
  • By Hugh R. Hays

Many make KCHS Job Shadow Day a success

In preparation for the 2015 Job Shadow Day, 100 juniors at Kenai Central High School spent several months researching careers and preparing business portfolios, including… Continue reading

  • Mar 25, 2015
  • By Mr. Alan Fields

Become informed on grocery tax relief

I don’t believe that most folks on the Peninsula really know how reinstating the grocery tax will affect them. I urge all residents on the… Continue reading

  • Mar 23, 2015
  • By Ann Marie Lee

Medevac pilot worthy of recognition

The U.S. Army Medevac Pilot (Peninsula Clarion, March 22) is Captain William Keller (not Kelter), and yes he hails from Soldotna. He has served 3… Continue reading

  • Mar 24, 2015
  • By Stuart Goldstein

Medical mission to Africa a long-term committment

I am writing regarding the article March 13, describing “Kenai Spine Gives Back,” and our mission of bringing needed support, expertise, spine-surgery and professional training… Continue reading

  • Mar 24, 2015
  • By S. Craig Humphreys MD