Letters to the Editor

Support for Matti’s Tree project appreciated

On Nov. 29, 2014 at the Kenai Visitors and Cultural Center Matti’s Farm Christmas Tree raffle tickets were drawn and the winners were notified of… Continue reading

  • Jan 9, 2015
  • By JoAnne Martin

Ditching pessimism

I was born in 1932 and grew up with all the fear and negativism of adults who had just experienced the great depression and were… Continue reading

  • Jan 4, 2015
  • By Hugh R. Hays

K-Beach flooding a complex issue

I appreciate your article in the Dec. 26 Clarion by Dan Balmer. Overall, the article was well written. I would like to point out a… Continue reading

  • Dec 30, 2014
  • By David N. Yragui

More than 8 tons of electronics recycled

Thank you to the 125 households, 6 business and government agencies, and 4 non-profits that brought in 16,960 pounds of electronics to be recycled on… Continue reading

  • Dec 31, 2014
  • By Jan Wallace

Time for thinking outside the box

I had the privilege speaking with Governor Walker, at length, back in 2010. I did everything in my power to have him run on the… Continue reading

  • Dec 29, 2014
  • By Ray Southwell

Unocal retirees enjoy Christmas lights

The Alaska Unocal Retirees’ Association has been judging the Kenai Christmas lights for the past several years, and did again this year. We want to… Continue reading

  • Dec 23, 2014
  • By Alaska Unocal Retirees’ Association

Soldotna seniors thankful for support

Soldotna Senior Center would like to thank First National Bank Alaska for their very generous contribution to the Center’s Endowment Trust Fund. First National Bank… Continue reading

  • Dec 24, 2014
  • By George Parks

Generosity makes holidays bright

On behalf of the 11 recipient families of our Soldotna Elementary Christmas Kindness program, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the following… Continue reading

  • Dec 24, 2014
  • By Tammy Dudley

Task force seeks to map flood area

During the last two years many residences have been damaged by high ground water and surface flooding, even in previously dry areas. The K-Beach High… Continue reading

  • Dec 18, 2014
  • By Dave Yragui

A solution to help those in need

Here is an idea toward a more equitable, sustainable economy locally, now, using the system in place. We are an extraction state. The money is… Continue reading

  • Dec 19, 2014
  • By Jessica Tenhoff

Grant helps with kennel at LeeShore

As The LeeShore Center celebrates its 30th year of keeping domestic violence victims and their families pets’ safe from harm, we are deeply grateful to… Continue reading

  • Dec 19, 2014
  • By Cheri Smith

Rough road ahead

Survivor’s guide to low oil prices here on the peninsula: For those of you who were here during the mid-1980s, you know the drill. For… Continue reading

  • Dec 11, 2014
  • By Eric Treider

Support for fundraiser

I would like to take a moment and thank some really incredible people! MLS, International and its subsidiary Sterling Crown Studio hosted a fundraising basketball… Continue reading

  • Dec 12, 2014
  • By Tina Wegener

Gifts will make Christmas morning bright

On behalf of the LeeShore Center staff and board, we wish to thank Heather Morning, Sarah Hough and all the folks at Kenai Peninsula Builders… Continue reading

  • Dec 12, 2014
  • By Cheri Smith

Soldotna Elks partner to help Soldotna families

A special thank you goes out to Soldotna Elks Lodge 2706 for their partnership with the Soldotna area schools! Soldotna Elks has donated 21 $100… Continue reading

  • Dec 12, 2014
  • By Todd Syverson

Safeguard Bristol Bay watershed

Too few Alaskans know the humbling beauty of the Alaska Peninsula and the imposing journey into Bristol Bay. But over the past nine years, I… Continue reading

  • Dec 4, 2014
  • By Marin Lee

Who is the government keeping safe

William Dudley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, spoke before the United States Senate on November 21, 2014. He expressed joy about… Continue reading

  • Dec 5, 2014
  • By Ray Southwell

Peninsula residents always there to help

On behalf of the board of directors and staff of The LeeShore Center, I would like to extend thanks and appreciation to the many community… Continue reading

  • Dec 5, 2014
  • By Cheri Smith

Lynx closure reveals questionable management strategy

For the first time, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game closed lynx hunting to the public on the Kenai. I am not a trapper… Continue reading

  • Nov 27, 2014
  • By Loren Reese

Disagreement is between Materialism, Theism

Jubilee Johnston’s letter-to-the-editor (Clarion, Nov. 25) does well to note that “... students are not being taught ... that both evolutionism and creationism are faith… Continue reading

  • Nov 28, 2014
  • By John Nelson