With fantastic insight not possessed by the average voter, the Governor and a group of our wisest legislators have voted to allow us to recruit “outside” expert non-residents to serve on the board of the Alaska Gasline Development Corp. Some of us might mistakenly recognize this as hand picking the board to steer the outcome of board actions, and also to insure the voting lawmaker’s name will remain high on the list of the oil company donors as they pass out their contributions of future political campaign funds.
By golly, I think we are on to something here! I believe this concept is so profound that it should be carried forth to include the Governor and Legislators as well. Surely, there are countless non-residents with “expertise and experience” to run our Alaska State Government. And where better to seek these experts, but California? The names Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger quickly come to mind as individuals with such gubernatorial qualities. The list for legislative experience and expertise is even longer, however incarceration could hinder attendance for some of these experts. And some of you thought this legislative session lacked new initiative.