Thank you to all the local businesses and organizations that have so generously given scholarships and awards to students at Nikiski High School. We appreciate all the representatives who were able to come out to personally bestow these honors on the students at our Awards Night.
Boys & Girls Club of Alaska, BP, Hilcorp, Homer ELectric Associations, Kenai Chamber of Commerce, Kenai Eagles — Ladies Auxiliary #3525, Kenai Elk’s Lodge #2425, Kenai Peninsula Administrators’ Association, Kenai Peninsula College, Kenai River Brown Bears, KSRM, Moose Lodge #1942, National Honor Society, the Rappe family, U.S. Army Reserve, U.S. Marine Corps, US Air Force ROTC, Nikiski Fire Fighters Association, Nikiksi Community Council, North Kenai Community CLub, Peninsula Oilers Baseball Club, Redoubt Homemakers FCE, the Prichard family, Tesoro Alaska Petroleum Co., Nikiski Senior Center, Triumvirate Theatre, and the UA Scholars Program.
Thank you for investing in Alaska’s students and helping them to pursue and achieve their goals.