Time to air concerns about oil, gas leasing in lower Cook Inlet

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has released its draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for oil and gas leasing in lower Cook Inlet. On Aug. 17, they held a meeting in Homer and several folks attended to air their concerns.

The fact that at this time of climate change, ocean acidification, countless seabirds mysteriously dying, whales dying, we find it difficult to understand how the BOEM could even consider the prospect of more oil and gas production in our Cook Inlet waters!

While the BOEM offers new offshore fossil fuel leases, it continues to ignore its mandate to promote renewable energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf, here where our resources are rich.

Here is your chance to speak your concerns, and say “no more.” As fishermen, advocates of tourism, lovers of this, our pristine homeland, protectors of our delicate marine ecosystem, please write your comments, which are due by Sept. 6, 2016.

You can submit comments to www.regulations.gov or to:

Abigail Ross Hopper, Director

Bureau of Energy Management

1849 C Street, NW

Washington, D. C. 20240