Veteran disappointed in Kenai City Council action

I would like to start off by publicly thanking Kenai Councilman Tim Navarre, for his continued support of Veterans and especially the Memorial in Leif Hansen Memorial Park. I also want to thank all the Veterans of the Peninsula of Kenai. Alone we are just people who have served our country but together we stand as we did on the battle field, ready to stand up for what is right. We showed our strength and numbers at the last Council meeting.

Wednesday night Tim Navarre brought to the Council, Resolution 2014-22 that states, The City of Kenai Affirming it’s Support of the Veterans Memorial in Leif Hansen Memorial Park, for this I say thank you sir! At least you have the fortitude to back up what you say about supporting Veterans.

As for the other members of the Council I say shame on you! Openly and vocally, on the record you said you support Veterans but when it actually comes down to it, to put it in writing, your true colors came out. You bowed down to the nay sayers, agree to disagree and then don’t even want to talk about it. You made a motion to table the Resolution indefinitely. It is apparent that you have forgotten about liberty and the American way of life and how it has been sustained.

If this is how you support Veterans I say no thank you! Please remember, as stated during the March 19 meeting, Veterans vote and Election Day is coming.


Bob Myles
