As a pastor, I often see the needs and suffering of people in the community.
At the hospital I see so many, who have chronic, serious illnesses. Their spouses or loved ones are also dealing with the stress and time-consuming care of family members.
Many young people are also experiencing difficult times. Many are dealing with broken families and whether they can keep up with school. So many people are dealing with the terrible consequences of addictions. The high suicide rates among all ages in Alaska should make us aware that life is difficult. Many people have lost hope of ever having a future, or feeling loved or being significant to others.
Most of us have experienced having a door of opportunity or a door of happiness closed. Most people have experienced heartbreak and deep disappointment. But when a door is closed, God will open another door in His will for your life.
This is where God shows up! The Word of God does not promise protection from life issues or tragedies. But faith promises that the peace of Jesus will be present with Christ followers during those difficult times. God is going to do the very best for your life, but you may not like it at first.
In Romans 8, the apostle Paul noted a sequence of how God addresses the development of our long-term good as we go through unpleasant challenges in life.
First of all, Paul tells us that our hope is to be saved. Romans 8:24. Then Paul goes on to tell us that in our relationship with Christ, prayer is our hope and that the Holy Spirit, dwelling within the believer, intercedes for us according to the will of God. Rom. 8:27.
Often, we do not immediately see the will of God when we have extreme disappointment.
Each of us only grows and develops through overcoming adversity and challenges. Overcoming difficulties is how we learn both skills and life lessons. In fact, Romans 5:3-4 tells us: “..we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
Then Paul reveals God’s plan for our lives for our ultimate, long-term good. Romans 8:28-30 says:
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.”
So it is clear. For those who love God, God opens another path that is truly a better choice for your welfare and joy. It may not seem like it at the time, but Paul is telling us that the right hand of God is actively interceding for us. A believer is justified in Christ, and His plan for you is that one day, you will be glorified eternally in heaven.
Roger Holl, D. Min.. is pastor of Sterling Grace Community Church. Worship is held at the Sterling Senior Center at 10:30 am on Sundays. Potluck dinners are served afterwards on the first Sunday of each month.