By Melinda Anderson, Kasilof
He’ll never have the chance to walk her down the aisle
She’ll never have the chance to see him with a pain-free smile
He’ll never get the chance to see her go to her senior prom
She’ll never get to hug him without a gown
And he will never get to be called grandpa
His hugs are weak and his arms no longer strong
She holds her tears back for only so long
He wants no sympathy and no tears,
Because he did this to himself, for all those years
She was in denial for so very long
That her daddy would never be gone
He taught her to fish and held her with her first heartbreak cry
And now he will never be able to see her fall in love with another guy
He’ll never see her throw her cap
He’ll never see her pack and move out
He’ll never see her cry and say goodbye to her friends
Buts she’ll always be his little princess
But this princess knows … he has only 4 months to live