A Father’s Lament
By Norm Olson, Nikiski
Deep within a father’s heart there reside
Those times long gone — the spent riches of youth,
And proclaims as fathers have since Adam died
Again imparting one and lasting truth:
Wasted life, wasted life, though each moment touched
By God’s divinely given grace to travel by.
Wasted hour, wasted hour, as sand so vainly clutched;
They’re going, and almost gone and yet the father’s cry:
“Oh, what purpose for a father’s vain lament
To one who left the path so clearly charted?”
That to the son’s deaf ear and against his bent
He grew angry with love and chose to be parted.
And as the world turns more sons are born.
And sons to fathers grow; and the line unbroken mourns.