Facets & Faucets of Cool English
By Brent Johnson, Clam Gulch
If it is morning that has broken
Why is it the fire that needs fixed?
Or are these words, often spoken,
Merely metaphors mixed?
If it was night that visibly fell
Why is it I who must get up?
My bed has me under its spell
And I wince as it ends so abrupt.
Why are fluorescent lights
Hung from the ceiling?
Where they offer new heights
In out-of-place meaning.
If heat rises and cold drops
By clear laws of nature.
Why are mountaintops
Such a treeless, white feature?
If “All Dogs Go to Heaven”
As the movie predicts,
Why is sweet Cerberus
Still standing by Styx?
Leave no turning undone
To view perspectives right.
Revealing how earth, not the sun
Causes every night.
Words can mean what they don’t say
And writers twist them, too.
Sometimes, just for play
That’s what they like to do.