By Lori Lindsay, Soldotna
I didn’t know my life could change,
I didn’t know it needed to.
But you were an unexpected miracle
That opened up my eyes.
You filled my heart with joy and love
A depth I’d never known
You gave me that sweet title “mother”
I thought I’d never hear.
But why then God, the bliss so brief?
Why did you call him home?
To leave me barren and alone,
A grief to bare, my own.
It could have turned my heart to stone
It could have made me bitter.
But I choose gratitude for having known you
If only for a while
I will not see you run and play
I will not see you grow
I will not see you go to school
I will not see you marry
But I will smell your sweet soft scent
And I will hear you coo
And I will see you smile at me
And that will never fade
God’s plan for us is never clear
The path we walk is hard
So many lessons here to learn
Before we go back home
But will we cling to bitterness and curse the rocky road?
Or will we savor gratitude for tender mercies shown?