If He Should Bid You Sweet Farewell
By Norm Olson
If he should bid you sweet farewell,
And though for one night only that farewell be,
Press firm his hand in yours, for who can tell
How far the road may lead from thee?
Men have been known to step out for but a moment —
Moments that become days, months, and lagging years —
Before they again look into the eyes
Of those they left with tears.
Therefore, if sudden death should come
Or time or distance, hold with pressure true
The hand of him who now might go,
For he is that part of you.
Yes, always find the time to say
Some honest words between the idle talk
Or perhaps with you, both night and day
Regret shall always walk.
And should he go, preserve your heart
That you’ve done nothing wrong.
For though he travels the globe around
He knows where he belongs.
And perhaps some day he will return.
Perhaps he never will.
But be assured he’ll always know
That you keep hoping still.