The Presence of Christmas
Dave Thompson
Giving to others just what they might need
Forgiving our brethren for unanswered deed
Caring and sharing , the joy of it all
The presence of Christmas, our promising call
Ribbons N boxes N wrappers N bow
Contain not the gracious gift that we know
For Testaments told of a coming new King
God’s gift to man, so the angels did sing
That night, so holy, in Bethlehem lay
Lord Jesus, just born, asleep on the hay
A great star overhead cast beacons of light
To herald the King, what a glorious sight
Like no other child, his wisdom and thought
From him came the Gospel, God’s word that he taught
He gathered, he taught, he healed, and he fed
His fellowman by the ways that he led
From then till now, God’s word has been clear
As he gave us his son, a gift so sincere
Though his years were short, etched in granite His call
To forgive us our sins and give us life’s all
Twas his life of giving for us to believe
In his gift of eternal life we’ll receive
Our escape from bondage and death we’ll be snatched
By His perfect gift with no strings attached.
So Jesus, Lord Jesus our peace and our joy
You granted each day of our lives to employ
Our hope and our faith by your name do we call
For the presence of Christmas you gave to us all