Around the District

School board to meet

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 6 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board meeting. Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at the School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:

■ Feb. 1;

■ Feb. 2 (Worksession);

■ March 7;

■ March 21;

■ April 4;

■ April 5 (Worksession);

■ May 2 (Seward High School);

■ June 6;

■ June 7 (Planning Session);

Holidays and vacation days scheduled

■ Jan. 18 — Martin Luther King Jr. Day;

■ Feb. 4-5 — Parent-teacher conferences, no school for students;

■ March 11 — End of third quarter, no school for students;

■ March 14-18 — Spring Break;

■ May 18 — Last day of school.

Connections Home School Program

Dates To Remember:

■ Jan. 25 – Soldotna Office AIMS Web – call 714-8880 for appt.

■ Jan. 25-26 – SafeSitter Program

■ Jan. 28 – Challenger Learning Center: A Free Moon Event! (more info below)

■ Feb. 17 – Sport Lake Fishing With Alaska Department of Fish & Game – more info below

■ Feb. 19 – AVTEC Guided Tour in Seward for High School Students (more info below)

■ Feb. 16-17, 23 – KPBSD Budget Meetings (more info below)

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■ Feb. 26 – Johnson Lake Ice Fishing with ADF&G for South Peninsula Students – more info below

— January – AIMS Web Assessment For K-6 & EdPerformance Assessments for fifth through eighth grades: call your office for more info

— March – Connections Talent Show

Also check out our Connections website for numerous student activities, contests and more!

Challenger Learning Center, A Free Moon Event:

The Challenger Learning Center is hosting a free event for all ages. Debuting their brand new simulated space mission: Lunar Quest! They will have authentic moon rocks from the Apollo Missions, planetarium shows and telescopes along with interactive activity stations. Please join in the fun Jan. 28, 2016 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. For more information contact Spring Larrow at 907-283-2000.

SafeSitter Program:

Do your children babysit siblings or other children? If so we are excited to offer a unique opportunity to homeschoolers in our area! Central Peninsula General Hospital is offering the Safe Sitter class for homeschoolers. This nationally recognized class is a great way to prepare our children to care for each other as well as become certified to babysit other children. This is a two day class and will be offered Jan. 25-26 and March 28-29 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

For more information go click on quick links, go to community programs and click on safe sitter or contact Marcia Knowlton 598-0950 (Instructor-Parent contact) or Berta Wilfong or Nicole Price 714- 4775 (Hospital contact). Please feel free to invite other homeschool families who are not currently with Connections. The school looks forward to hearing from families soon, as space is limited.

Sport Lake Fishing With ADF & G:

Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game is inviting students to spend one hour on the ice fishing for rainbow trout and Chinook salmon at Sport Lake. Students learn proper fishing techniques, catch and release etiquette, ice fishing regulations, and safety on the ice. This is an annual event held on Feb. 17. The time slot for Connections homeschool students is from 10-11 a.m. All equipment is provided; participants older than 16 need a fishing license. Please remember to dress warm and bring a snack if planing on staying a while. If families have any questions please call the Connections office at (907) 714-8880.

AVTEC Guided Tour in Seward:

All Connections High School Students are invited to attend a free guided tour of AVTEC in Seward on Friday Feb. 19. AVTEC is Alaska’s Institute of Technology and offers post high school programs ranging from the Alaska Culinary Academy to Energy and Building Technology. This really is an exciting and valuable opportunity for high school students interested in a career in the trades, commercial fishing or hospitality industry.

Please take a few minutes to visit the link If interested, RSVP and share at least two departments of interest in touring to Reubin Payne: or call Connections at 907-714-8880. Parents are welcome, and the school will provide lunch at the AVTEC cafeteria for Connections students taking the tour. The school staff would like to meet at Connections office at 8:30 a.m. or in Seward at the AVTEC Campus at 10 a.m. (If transportation is an issue for any students, please call Reubin between 8 AM and 4 PM). The tour should last until approximately 2 p.m.

Johnson Lake Ice Fishing with ADF&G for South Peninsula Students:

ADF&G is inviting south peninsula students to learn more about salmon by spending time on the ice, fishing at Johnson Lake. This location will cut down on the driving time for those coming from the Homer area. Students learn proper fishing techniques, catch and release etiquette, ice fishing regulations, and safety on the ice. The time slot for Connections homeschool students is from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. All equipment is provided; participants older than 16 need a fishing license. The school asks that families please remember to dress warm and bring a snack if planing to stay a while. Please RSVP, and with any questions please contact Derek at or 226-1880.

Interior Distance Education of Alaska

IDEA Homeschool is now enrolling for the 2016-2017 school year! Find more information about the school at Click enroll now. Families are always welcome to come visit in our office in the Red Diamond Center. Come check out the library, Resource Room, used curriculum, and speak with a certified teacher. IDEA staff is here to serve families that are on a homeschooling journey. The Kenai office expansion is complete! Come visit!

■ Jan. 25 – Office Closed – we are finishing up the move into our expanded office space.

■ Jan. 28 – The Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE) is hosting an APS webinar at 5:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for the general public to learn more about the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS). Students, parents, educators, and other interested parties are welcome to join. Participants will learn about eligibility requirements, award levels, the application process, and using the APS award. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. Go to to register. Registration information can be found on the right hand side of the screen, under ‘APS Webinars.’ Once families have registered online, they will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to participate in the meeting. Internet and telephone access are required. For more information on the APS, go to or contact ACPE Customer Service at (800) 441-2962,option #2.

■ Feb. 26 – Salmon Dissection – Come join us at the IDEA office on Jan. 26 at 1:30-3:00 p.m. as we dissect salmon! We will have expert instruction and teaching from a fishery biologist who works for AK Fish and Game. The staff will need sign ups for this opportunity so Fish and Game can come prepared with the proper amount of salmon.

■ Jan. 31 – Art in the Capitol artwork due. The theme for 2016 is Land and Sea – landscapes and seascapes. This is an excellent opportunity to display a child’s quality artwork in the halls of the Capitol building in Juneau for the governor, legislators, Alaskans, and visitors to see and appreciate.

■ Feb. 12 – Spelling Bee- Once again, IDEA-Kenai will be holding our annual Scripps Spelling Bee. This competition is for students in third through eighth grade. All students participate in one and the same bee, that is, there are no grade specific bees. The winner of our local bee will represent IDEA-Kenai at the Alaska State Spelling Bee to be held at the Performing Arts Center in Anchorage on Tuesday, March 22nd. Our local event will be held at 1:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 12 at the IDEA office. Staff will have cookies and certificates for all participants. Families may learn more about the Scripps National Spelling Bee by going If you have questions or to sign up contact Marian Werth at the Kenai office (260-7555) or via email ( You can find the spelling words study list on the Region K Blog.

■ Feb. 17 – Ice Fishing – Come join at Sport Lake for some ice fishing. Arrive at Sport Lake parking lot at 11 a.m. The event will finish by 12:15 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity that AK Fish and Game set up for us. They provide the poles and drill the holes. Please remember to wear all your winter gear and for students/parents 16 and over, bring a fishing license. If parents aren’t fishing, a license isn’t necessary. However, if parents plan on helping children, a license is needed. This event is limited to 25 fishermen. Please sign up on the Region K Blog.

Please remember to check webmail or Region K Blog and to sign up for these events!

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

■ Jan. 25 – 4:15 p.m. APC Meeting

■ Jan. 26 – 9:45 a.m. Kindergarten is going on a study trip to the Challenger Learning Center

■ Jan. 27 – 8:35 a.m. PTA Trail Committee Meeting

■ Jan. 28 – First and second graders will be going to Charis Place, Forget-Me-Not Center, and the Soldotna Sports Center for ice skating. More information will come home in Friday folders.

Upcoming Events

— Re-enrollment forms were mailed Jan. 15 and are due by Feb. 12, 4 p.m. Every student must return this form to indicate he or she is returning in the Fall or will not be returning and what school he or she will be attending.

■ Feb. 3 – Early Release Day with school dismissed at 2:10 p.m.

■ Feb. 4-5 – No School due to Parent-Teacher Conferences.


— The Life Skill the school is focusing on this week is Patience; To wait calmly for someone or something.

— If a child arrives after 9:10 a.m., please come in and sign him-her in at the office.

— If families would like to be a volunteer, be sure to complete a background check and volunteer training. Go to and click the link to the background check. Please allow up to two weeks for this to clear. The next link on the page will take viewers to the Online Volunteer Training. These two steps must be completed in order to volunteer at Kaleidoscope. Completed Volunteer Indemnification forms are needed 48 hours before all field trips.

Kalifornsky Beach Elementary

Mr. Daniels’s class is studying Energy. In the coming weeks, they will be investigating questions such as “How are energy and motion related? How is energy stored? How is energy transferred? How do people use energy? The students are looking forward to gettings some “hands on” time with energy. Now Mr. Daniels simply needs to figure out how to tap into the students’ energy!

The K-Beach Spelling Bee will be held on Feb. 3 at 8:20 a.m.

The Box Tops winners for the week are Taylor Avery and Levi Battiest, both from Mrs. Sweeney’s room. Great job bringing in those Box Tops, Caribou!

■ Feb. 3 – Early Release Day, K-Beach will dismiss at 12:55 p.m. Spelling Bee will begin at 8:20 a.m.

■ Feb. 4-5 – No School due to Parent Teacher Conferences

Kenai Middle

The school thanks everyone who supported the KCHS second annual silent auction and spaghetti feed dinner sponsoring the Students in Transition Program. The Students in Transition Program helps local children and teens in the KPBSD stay in school, by providing things like transportation, school supplies, clothing, and hygiene products. All proceeds from this year’s event, roughly $9,000 went directly to the SIT program.

The event was organized by the KCHS student leadership class with special recognition to Abby Beck for her efforts. The evening would not have been possible without Edie Handsaker and Marnie Jensen for preparing the delicious meal. The school would also like to recognize Raymon Machen-Gray and Hunter Hanson for their musical performances throughout the dinner. Congratulations to the following attendees and winners of silent auction items:

Mel Galloway, Holly Behrens, Renee Bible, Julie English, Joyce Cox, Nicole Egholm, Mr. and Mrs. Duby, Scott Holmes, Julie Williams, Jodi and Roger Helvie, Jennifer Miranda, Wyatt White, Gayle Buben, Amy and Doug Baxter, Mary Bodner, Janelle Plumridge, Marnie Jensen, Victoria Trujillo, Margaret Gilman, and Katy Settlemyer

The school would would also like to recognize the extremely generous monetary donations from: Jim & Trina Doyle, Tesoro, Arbys, Mike Navarre, Kelly Brewer, Country Foods IGA, Espresso Barn and PDC Inc. Engineers.

Special thanks to businesses and community members that donated items for our silent auction including: Country Foods IGA, Susan’s Bath and Body, Pizza Boys, Guilt Salon, Orca Theater, Page Metals, IGA, Brown Bears, Nail Boutique, Lisa Murkowski, Dan’s Television, Mike Navarre, Sweeny’s, Heritage Place, Pat Porter, Soldotna Chiropractic, Brown Bears, Kenai Peninsula Suites, Kings Treasures, Ellie Woodvine, Julie English, The Gilman Family, Shanna Johnson, Odie’s, Laura Beeson, Tim Vlasak, Cindy Worley, Jumping Junction, River City Cheer, Echo Lake Meats, and Gama Designs.

gain, a heartfelt thanks to the many generous community members, local businesses, and event attendees that made the fundraiser such a success.

Kenai Central High

What’s Happening at KCHS:

■ Jan. 25 – Boys C and J.V. Basketball (Home) vs Soldotna High School 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

— Girls C and J.V. Basketball (Home) vs Soldotna High School 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.

■ Jan. 27 – Boys and Girls C Basketball at Homer 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.

■ Jan. 28 – Boys Basketball at Bethel Tourney TBD

Hockey at Homer High School 7 p.m.

■ Jan. 29 – Boys Basketball at Bethel Tourney TBD

— Cross Country Skiing at Tsalteshi Trails 11 p.m.

■ Jan. 23 – Boys Basketball at Bethel Tourney TBD

— Hockey vs Soldotna High School at Sportscenter 6:45 p.m.

— Cross Country Skiing at Tsalteshi Trails 11 p.m.

Mountain View Elementary

The Library will be holding a book fair Feb. 1–5 during school hours and parent-teacher conferences. If families would like to volunteer to help with the book fair please call the office at 283-8600.

■ Feb. 3 is an early release day for students. Students will be dismissed at 1:55 p.m.

■ Feb. 4-5 – Parent-Teacher conferences will be held.There will be no school for students.

Mountain View Elementary Kindergarten is holding a Penny Drive

Kindergarten Social Studies curriculum asks the following essential question: “How can you become a responsible member of your family, classroom, and community?” The school’s response to this question is to host a school-wide penny drive to raise money for a worthy cause. The school will be collecting pennies beginning Jan. 25 through Feb. 15. All proceeds from the penny drive will be donated to the Kenai Animal Shelter. The school hopes to provide a variety of things they are in need of such as food, toys, blankets and treats. Participation is optional and the school appreciates any generosity in helping us fill as many jars as possible! (All coins will be accepted)

Nikiski Middle-High

Last week was a busy week for the Nikiski High School students. The Middle School wrestlers were at Kenai while the skiers went to Colony. The Nikiski Basketball Teams hosted the Tip off Tournament. The boys team won all of their games capturing the first place trophy. The girls team competed well also winning two out of the three games. Sam Tauriainen and Avery Kornstad were selected to the All-Tournament Team. Nathan Carstens was the tournament MVP for the boys.

■ Jan. 26 – C Team Girls Basketball at 3 p.m in Seward.

— C Team Boys Basketball at 4:30 p.m in Seward.

■ Jan. 29 – JV Girl Basketball at 3p.m in Nikiski vs. Monroe .

— JV Boys Basketball at Nikiski vs. Monroe – .

— Varsity Girls Basketball at 6 p.m in Nikiski vs. Monroe.

— Varsity Boys Basketball at 7:30 p.m in Nikiski vs. Monroe.

— High School Cross Country Skiing at Soldotna Tsalteshi Invite

■ Jan. 30 – Middle School Wrestling at Nikiski Invite.

— Middle School Cross Country Skiing at 10 a.m in Seward.

— Middle School Volleyball at 10 for the Kenai Middle Jamboree.

— High School Cross Country Skiing at Soldotna Tsalteshi Invite

— C Team Girls Basketball at 11 a.m in Homer.

— C Team Boys Basketball at 12:30 p.m. in Homer.

Nikiski North Star Elementary

Everyone is welcome to attend the NNS Family Science Night which will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 26 from 5:45-7 p.m. This will be a fantastic opportunity for hands on science activities that are appropriate for grades Kindergarten thru fifth.

The Challenger Center, AK Sealife Center, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and AK LNG are all providing science activities for students during the evening. The school staff will also have fourth and fifth grade science fair entries on display in the classroom and in the library. Boys & Girls Club will provide chili dogs, cookies and drinks for refreshments. The school appreciates the community partnerships and PTA donations that make this all possible. If familie need further information, please call the school office at 776-2600.

The school Geography Bee for fourth and fifth grade will be held on Friday, Jan. 29 at 1:30 p.m. in the library.

Families can pre-order all color NNS yearbook now for only $15. Return completed order form to the office along with payment by Feb. 1. Yearbooks will be sold at the end of the year for $20 and will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Don’t miss out and order a yearbook now!

Nikiski North Star’s Battle of the Books teams have been reading all the great battle books and getting ready for the upcoming battles. Team members for the fifth grade team are Jessica Perry, Braeden Porter, Brady Bostic, Savanna Stock and Marina Carew. The fifth through sixth grade district battle will be held Feb. 9. Team members for the third and fourth grade team are Jackson Anding, Maggie Grenier, Nolan Boehme, Kairi D’Amico, Avery Ellis and Ethan Boehme. The third and fourth grade district battle will be held on Feb.10. Many thanks to teachers Monica Heath and Robin Thye for coaching battle students.

Redoubt Elementary

Box Tops/Labels for Education Winners last week were: Emerson Kapp, Bella Martin, Katy Cox and Chevelle Lamb. Keep those Box Tops for education and Labels for education coming, weekly drawings are held so don’t forget to have your child put their name on the back of each Box Top and turn them in at school. Help earn money for the school.

Support Redoubt Elementary while you shop at Fred Meyer. Every time families shop with their linked Rewards Card at Fred Meyer, they are helping Redoubt Elementary earn a donation. And the more supporters who link their Rewards Cards to Redoubt Elementary the more the school can earn. To link to a Rewards account go to:

Yearbooks – Pre-order forms have been sent home with students. Only 175 books have been ordered, so make sure to get an order form and payment ($15) submitted.

Fun Fest – Jan. 29, 3:30-5 p.m. All attending students must turn in a permission slip. There will be lots of fun games and activates including, Pie Face, Crazy Hair, Fun Jump (donated by: Jumpin’ Junction), Glow in the Dark Dance Party and more.

This event is open to Redoubt students only. Volunteers are needed for this event, please call the school office if you are interested in volunteering. The school will have many games and activities, and stff hopes families will join the fun.

Redoubt PTA Winter Carnival will be held Saturday, Feb. 20 12-4 p.m. This event will be open to the public. Raffle tickets are on sale now – $10 each. First prize: GoPro, 2nd Prize: 1 RT ticket to Anchorage via Grant, 3rd Prize: Quad-copter Drone. Volunteers are needed, for more information on how you can help or to purchase raffle tickets please contact Stephanie Belger at Redoubt PTA members will be selling raffle tickets Saturday, Jan. 23 and Jan. 30 at Sportsman’s Warehouse, 12-4 p.m.


Help keep our students safe – we have a large number of students getting dropped off and picked up every day. A safe, orderly parking lot is a group effort. Parents please do not use your cell phones as you move along the pick-up/drop-off lane.

■ Jan. 27 – 9 a.m. Geography Bee – Redoubt Gym.

■ Feb. 2 – After school Book Fair – Redoubt Library 3:30-6 p.m.

■ Feb. 3 – Early Release Day – Students will be released at 1:45 p.m.

■ Feb. 4 – Scholastic Book Fair – 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

■ Feb. 5 – Scholastic Book Fair – 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

■ Feb. 4-5 Parent Teacher Conferences – No School for students.

■ Feb. 18 – Bingo for Books – 6:30-8 p.m. – Redoubt Gym

■ Feb. 11 – 9:30 a.m. Spelling Bee –Redoubt Gym.

■ Feb. 20 – Redoubt PTA Winter Carnival 12-4 p.m.

■ Feb. 26 – Dress like your favorite book character day.

■ March 2 – Dr. Seuss’s Birthday

Soldotna Prep

Soldotna Prep School’s Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month for December is Hannah Delker and January is Kortney Birch.

First Semester Honor Roll 2016:

4.00 GPA

Asia Angeles-Hanson, Donald Bennett, Erika Bennett, Kortney Birch, Elliana Bruce, Haley Buckbee, Hannah Delker, Porter Evans, Sydney Juliussen, Serena Larrow, Michael Michael, Cloe Millbauer, Cody Nye, Marlayna Saavedra, Aliann Schmidt, Jaida Sturman,

3.50 – 3.99 GPA

Brittani Blossom, Madelyn Brennan, Carsen Brown, Kristina Bybee, Megan Calloway, Luis Chicas-Sorto, Alyson Driskell, Megan Eskue, Mykenna Foster, Dalton Hatten, Sally Hoagland, Kennedy Holland, Brock Kant, Katelynn Kimes, Quinn Lucas, Trevor Marks, Caleb Matson, Kalyn McGillivray, Darby McMillan, Danica Schmidt, Bethani Shepard, Kayli Smith, Liam Sullivan, Sophie Thomas, Brighton Turvin, Gabriel Wackler-Murdock, Levi Wahl, Thomas Wells, Brennan Werner, Mikaele Wong

3.00 – 3.49 GPA

Joanna Cornelius, Samantha Denbrock, Wyatt Denna, Amanda Eby, Joseph Fiebelkorn, Victoria Giles, Titan Griffin, Cassie Haeg, Ashlee Heiman, River Kitchens, Jeremy Kupferschmid, Travis Lindley, Kodi McGillivray, Amanda McGlothen, Dakota Merculieff, Morgan Nelson, Natalia O’Toole, Katie Schwartz, Samuel Skolnick, Kyla Smith, Holly Todd, Ashlyn Vehmeier

Check SOPREP school blog for important information and updates:

Soldotna Elementary

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

■ Jan. 26 Parents are invited to attend the fifth through sixth grade Gymnastics Performance at 4 p.m. in the gym.

■ Jan. 27 The Spelling Bee will be at 2 p.m. in the gym.

■ Jan. 29 Wear your favorite team shirt for Sports Day!

■ Feb. 1 The Parent PACK Meeting will be at 3:45-4:15 p.m. in the library.

■ Feb. 2 The Soldotna Elementary Beginning Band will perform a concert for parents and families 6 p.m. in the gym.

■ Feb. 3 Students will be released at 1:55 p.m. Mrs. Cannava’s afternoon pre-K class will not meet. Students riding the bus will be dropped off 90 minutes earlier than their regular scheduled time.

Soldotna High

Now is the time for high school seniors to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many colleges have priority filing deadlines, so it’s important to file early. The FAFSA can be filed online and remember, families do NOT have to have a 2015 tax return filed in order to complete the FAFSA. If parents and students would like free assistance in completing the FAFSA, please attend the FAFSA Completion Event on Jan. 26 at 6 p.m. at Kenai Peninsula College. For more information, contact Emily Knight at 260-7083 or

■ Feb. Feb. 1-3 and 8-9 the sophomore class will be selling carnations at both buildings. The cost is $2 for one or 3 for $5! These will be delivered on Feb. 11 during fifth and sixth hours at the 10-12 building and advisory at the Prep school.

The SoHi dancers, under the direction of Jeannie Young and Terri Zopf-Schoessler, will be taking six dances to the Mass Dance 2016 concert at KCHS. Dancers from SoHi, Nikiski, Encore, Peninsula Artists in Motion, Kenai Performers, and Forever Dance Alaska will showcase local dancers Friday and Saturday nights, Feb. 5-6, starting at 7 p.m. $10 tickets are available at the door.

Soldotna High School is collecting gently used formal dresses, shoes, and accessories for 2015 Cinderella’s Closet. This is a program which helps all area high school ladies with prom attire for free. Please email for more info. All donations can be dropped off to the front office 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

As of Jan 1, 2016 the FAFSA for the 2016-2017 school year is now open and available The FAFSA, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is the form that colleges use to determine a student’s financial need, taking into account both student and parent income. Every high school senior should file a FAFSA regardless of income, as many scholarships, including the Alaska Performance Scholarship, require that the student complete the FAFSA before award funds are released. If parents and students would like free assistance in completing the FAFSA, please attend our FAFSA Completion Event on Jan. 26 at 6 p.m. at Kenai Peninsula College. For more information, please contact Emily Knight at 260-7083 or

Soldotna High School PTSA’s primary fundraiser is the Fred Meyer Rewards Program. It’s easy to sign up and makes a BIG difference for the PTSA and the school. Visit with a Rewards Program number and select Soldotna High School PTSA. It’s quick and simple and families can make a positive impact just by doing everyday shopping! Thank you!

Soldotna Stars Letterman Jackets are available to order Click on Varsity Jackets, find our school by State, select Soldotna High School, starting at $149 families can personalize it anyway they would like. Any questions contact Heather Parkki, 260-7022. Makes a great Christmas gift! Every Friday is spirit Friday! Wear SoHi gear for a chance to win gift cards and more!

The SOHI Library Media Center will be open 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday. Contact Ms. Wear at 260.7036 or for information on the 4:15 p.m. bus.

Tustumena Elementary

■ Jan. 18 – No School,

■ Jan. 19 – PTO Meeting, 4 p.m.

■ Jan. 25 – Site Council Meeting, 4 p.m.

■ Jan. 25 – 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pre-K and Kindergarten Pre-Registration for 2016-17 School Year

■ Feb. 3 – Early Release at 2:05 p.m.

■ Feb. 4-5 – Parent Teacher Conferences, No school for students

■ Feb. 9 Battle of the Books for fifth and sixth graders

■ Feb. 10 Battle of the Books for third and fourth graders

■ Feb. 16 PTO Meeting 4 p.m.

■ Feb. 18 SEM 2-3 p.m.

■ Feb. 25 SEM 2-3 p.m.

■ Feb. 27 District Wide Forensics,

■ Feb. 29 Site Council 4 p.m.

■ March 3 SEM 2-3 p.m.

■ March 11 No school for the Inservice Day

■ March 14-18 Spring Break

More in News

“Salmon Champions” present their ideas for projects to protect salmon habitat during the Local Solution meeting at the Cook Inletkeeper Community Action Studio in Soldotna, Alaska, on Thursday, March 20, 2025. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Cook Inletkeeper program to focus on salmon habitat awareness

The project seeks local solutions to environmental issues.

Rep. Sarah Vance, R-Homer, participates in a candidate forum hosted by the Peninsula Clarion and KBBI 890 AM at the Homer Public Library in Homer, Alaska, on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Vance calls on board of fish to clarify stance on Cook Inlet commercial fisheries

One board member said he wanted to see no setnets or drifters operating in the inlet at all.

The Sterling Highway crosses the Kenai River near the Russian River Campground on March 15, 2020 near Cooper Landing, Alaska. (Jeff Helminiak/Peninsula Clarion)
Russian River Campground closed until June

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View of the crown on March 23, 2025, the day following the fatal avalanche in Turnagain Pass, Alaska. Some snow had blow into the crown overnight, which had accumulated around a foot deep at the crown by the time this photo was taken. (Photo by Chugach National Forest Avalanche Center)
Soldotna teen killed in Saturday avalanche

In recent weeks, the center has reported several avalanches triggered in that area by snowmachines and snowboarders.

The three survivors of a Sunday afternoon plane crash are found atop the wing of their plane near Tustumena Lake in Kasilof, Alaska, on Monday, March 24, 2025. (Photo by Dale Eicher)
All occupants of Sunday evening plane crash rescued

Troopers were told first around 10:30 p.m. Sunday that a Piper PA-12 Super Cruiser was overdue.

An Alaska Division of Forestry and Fire Protection vehicle stands among trees in Funny River, Alaska, on Oct. 2, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Early fire season begins with 2 small blazes reported and controlled

As of March 17, burn permits are required for all state, private and municipal lands.

A table used by parties to a case sits empty in Courtroom 4 of the Kenai Courthouse in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Strigle named new Kenai district attorney

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Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Peter Micciche presents the findings of the Southcentral Mayors’ Energy Coalition during a luncheon hosted by the Kenai Chamber of Commerce in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Micciche reports back on Southcentral Mayors’ Energy Coalition

The group calls importation of natural gas a necessity in the short-term.

Christine Cunningham, left, and Mary Bondurant, right, both members of the Kenai Bronze Bear Sculpture Working Group, stand for a photo with Kenai Mayor Brian Gabriel and a small model of the proposed sculpture during a luncheon hosted by the Kenai Chamber of Commerce in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Model of bronze bears debuted as airport display project seeks continued funding

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