Around the District

School board to meet

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 6 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board meeting. Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at the School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:

■ Dec. 7;

■ Dec. 8 (Worksession);

■ Jan. 11;

■ Feb. 1;

■ Feb. 2 (Worksession);

■ March 7;

■ March 21;

■ April 4;

■ April 5 (Worksession);

■ May 2 (Seward High School);

■ June 6;

■ June 7 (Planning Session);

Connections Home School Program

Holidays and vacation days scheduled

■ Dec. 16 – End of second quarter, no school for students;

■ Dec. 21-Dec. 31 – Winter vacation;

■ Jan. 18 – Martin Luther King Jr. Day;

■ Feb. 4-5 – Parent-teacher conferences, no school for students;

■ March 11 – End of third quarter, no school for students;

■ March 14-18 – Spring Break;

■ May 18 – Last day of school.


Dates To Remember:

■ Dec. 1 – Senior T-Shirt contest entries due (more info below) Kenai Rec Center Gym Time

■ Dec. 2 – Homer Connections: Senior Meeting at 3:15 p.m. Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) Webinar (more info below)

■ Dec. 5 – SAT Testing – for more info go to

■ Dec. 10 – Soldotna Connections Office: Senior Meeting at 1 p.m.

■ Dec. 14 – Semester Reports Due

■ 4/2016 – Connections Talent Show


Soldotna Office: Homeschool Gym Time @ Kenai Rec Center:

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This Tuesday’s homeschool gym time is from 12-2pm at the Kenai Rec. If you have any questions please email Mark Wackler: . We’ve had a wonderful turnout these past several weeks and hope to see you there!

Battle of the Books:

Connections is currently recruiting students that would like to participate in Battle of the Books. There is a team for all grades, so all students are eligible! Central Peninsula families please contact Mark Wackler ( ) for more information. The Soldotna office Battle of the Books practice/meetings are on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:25pm.

Homer Connections High School Book Club:

Please come join us every week for reading, discussions, quizzes, prizes, coffee or tea, fun, and a whole lot more!

When: Tuesdays from 3:30 – 4:15

Where: The Homer Bookstore

Contact: Derek for more information.

Connections Talent Show:

The Connections Talent Show has become an event we look forward to each school year. We enjoy seeing the work & success our students are finding outside of the academic realm, and we love giving them a chance to put those talents on display each spring. If your student has a talent they may wish to share at out talent show this year, please contact our talent show coordinator, Mark Wackler, at . At this time we are gathering interest and helping students begin prepare for the show, so your response is not an obligation to have your student perform. Most of our acts are musical (i.e. singing, piano, dance, etc.) but we welcome and encourage a wide variety of different types of talents, so get creative! Please contact Mark with all your questions or to express interest. A date has not yet been set, but mid to late April is when the show is typically scheduled. We look forward to seeing you at the 2016 Connections Talent Show!


Help us design the Connections 2016 Senior T-Shirt and you could win a $20 Amazon Gift card and a free shirt! All entries must be on an 8.5 x 11 paper or digital canvas and saved as a PDF. Designs cannot include trademarked logos, graphics, or copies. The words Connections and 2016 must be incorporated into the design and all artwork must be original. Only 2016 Connections high school students are eligible to win. For questions or more information see attached flyer or contact Mark Wackler or call the Soldotna office at 907-714-8880.

Homer Connections: Senior Meeting Dec. 2 at 3:15 p.m.

In the Connections Office we will meet with all our graduating seniors in the Homer area. This meeting will prepare you for the final steps towards graduation. Advisors will provide students with their Graduation Packet. You will also have the opportunity to review your transcript and verify your credits towards graduation. 12th grade students and parents are encouraged to attend.

Soldotna Connections: Senior Meeting Dec. 10 at 1 p.m.

We will provide coffee and cookies!!! This meeting will prepare seniors for the final steps towards graduation. Advisors will provide students with their Graduation Packet. You will also have the opportunity to review your transcript and verify your credits towards graduation. 12th grade students and parents are encouraged to attend but this meeting is not mandatory. Please email your advisor or call the office to RSVP: 714-8880. We are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!

Connections Spelling Bee:

We are pleased to announce that Connections Homeschool is enrolled in the National Spelling Bee this year, continuing with a great tradition. All Connections students in grades 3-8 are encouraged to participate in order to build confidence, increase vocabulary and improve spelling skills.

Our local Spelling Bee will be (tentatively) held on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at the Soldotna Public Library. The 2016 Alaska State Spelling Bee will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at the Center for the Performing Arts in Anchorage (PAC).

A great way to prepare for the Spelling Bee is to work through the grade specific word lists, please see the attached spelling list. You can begin with the list at your grade level. Once you have mastered the 100 words on that list, move on to the next. The word list for the school Spelling Bee will include words that appear on the lists for grades 5-8. For word lists and information, contact Carole Nolden at 714-8880 or cnolden@kpbsd, . We look forward to hearing from you!

Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science

■ Dec. 1 Yearbooks go on sale for $18. Food Drive continues

■ Dec. 3 Holiday Concert at KCHS for first through fifth grade students at 7 p.m. Students will be bussed to KCHS at 9:15 a.m. in the morning for dress rehearsal of holiday concert. Permission slips will be required and were sent home in the Friday folders. Holiday concert at KCHS featuring 1-5th grade students at 7p.m. Food Drive continues.

■ Dec. 4 Yearbook cover submissions are due. Food Drive continues. Fifth grade will be walking down to Shqui Tsatnu Creek with Mr. Dan

■ Dec. 7-11 Holiday Shop will be open. Envelopes for your child’s money and buying guide were sent home.

■ Dec. 8 at 6 p.m. Band Concert.

■ Dec. 10 from 6-7 p.m. PTA’s Family Fun Night for Kaleidoscope families.

■ Dec. 12 at 10 a.m. is the Christmas Drive pickup.

■ Dec. 18 In-service, No school.

■ Dec. 21 – Jan. 1 – Winter Break, no school.


The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Friendship; To make and keep a friend through mutual trust and caring.

If your child arrives after 9:10 a.m., please come in and sign him / her in at the office. If you would like to be a volunteer, be sure to complete your background check and volunteer training. Go to and click the link to the background check. Please allow up to 2 weeks for this to clear. The next link on the page will take you to the Online Volunteer Training. These 2 steps must be completed in order to volunteer at Kaleidoscope. Completed Volunteer Indemnification forms are needed 48 hours before all field trips.

Kenai Central High

Kenai Central High School will be hosting its 2nd annual Silent Auction and Spaghetti Feed Dinner with proceeds benefiting the Students in Transition Program. The dinner will be this Friday December 4th from 6:00-7:30 in the school cafeteria. $10 per plate or $30 per family All proceeds will go directly to the Students in Transition Program which provides services for our districts homeless students.

KCHS had a very successful canned food drive raising over seven hundred pieces of canned and boxed food. Donations will be given to our local community food bank.

The end of the semester is rapidly approaching. If you are behind in your classes, please make plans to receive extra help and attend the afterschool study hall in the library. The study hall is open Monday through Thursday from 2:30-3:30.

■ Dec. 1 – Wrestling (Home) vs Soldotna High School 6:30

■ Dec. 3:

Student of the Month Luncheon

Hockey (Home – Sportscenter) vs Colony 4:30

■ Nov. 4:

Silent Auction & Spaghetti Feed (Cafeteria) 6:00-7:30

Hockey (Home – Sportscenter) vs Wasilla 1:45

Cross Country Skiing @ Matsu Invite

Wresting @ Soldotna Prep School

■ Dec. 5:

Hockey (Home – Sportscenter) vs Palmer 1:45

Cross Country Skiing @ Matsu Invite

Wresting @ Soldotna Prep School

Kenai Middle

Welcome back from the long weekend.

Congratulations to our Character Counts winners last week- Kaleb Baughn and Serena Knox.

If you are in need of assistance this holiday season and intended to register for the Christmas Drive, please remember there is a firm deadline, which is December 2nd. You can pick up the application at the office.

■ Dec. 1 there will be “B” Basketball team games at Soldotna Prep. Boys will begin 3:00, Girls will follow at 4:30.

■ Dec. 3 the A teams will play on Thursday, December 3rd at SMS. Girls will begin @ 3:00, Boys will follow @ 4:30.

■ Dec. 4 All Basketball teams, Both A and B, Boys and Girls, will play in Homer. Games will start @ 3:30.

■ Dec. 8: KMS & KCHS Concert Bands Concert

■ Dec. 10 KMS Holiday Choir Concert

Mountain View Elementary

Christmas Drive forms were sent home last week. If you are in need of a Christmas basket, applications must be returned by December 2. If you would like to sponsor a child or a family please call the office at 283-8600.

Second Grade Title 1 students are invited to attend the Mountain View “Bites for Birds” party on Thursday, December 3rd from 3:40 – 4:45 PM. Students and parents will learn about backyard birds in Alaska and the types of food they eat. Participants will then get to make their own bird feeders to bring home. Permission slips must be returned by November 30th. Enrollment is open to the first 25 students that return their permission slip. If you have any questions, please call 283-8600.

The winter concert for 4th & 5th grade choir and band students will be on Monday, December 7th at 6:00 PM in the gym at Mountain View.

First, Second, & Third grade students will have a winter performance on Tuesday, December 15 at 6:00 PM in the KCHS Auditorium.

Nikiski Middle-High

■ Nov. 30

Graduation Parent Planning Meeting – 6:30 p.m. in the library

Football Banquet – 6:00 p.m. in the commons. Bring a dessert to share

■ Dec. 2

High School Basketball Begins. Boys practice early, girls practice late.

■ Dec. 3

A Team Middle School Basketball @ Skyview – 3:00 p.m.

■ Dec. 4

Wrestling @ SoHi

■ Dec. 5

Wrestling @ SoHi

Nikiski North Star Elementary

Everyone is invited to attend the NNS Winter Music Concert to be held on Thursday, December 3rd. The concert will be held at Nikiski Middle High School at 6:00 pm in the auditorium and feature the voices of our first and second grade students. Also, the fifth grade band students will perform several holiday tunes for your listening enjoyment.

Our Pre-K and Kindergarten students will have their Winter Music Concert on Thursday, December 10th. The concert will begin at 6:00 pm and will be held at NNS. If you need further information, please call the school office at 776-2600.

NNS will be participating in a fundraising drive to assist the school in Bethel that burned down. There will be a letter to our families explaining the situation and asking for donations. Donated supplies will be collected in the classrooms and the winning classroom will win a pizza party to be held in the teacher’s lounge. Our 2nd-3rd grade teacher, Ms. Stein, has volunteered to make Eskimo ice cream with the winning class since she has a personal connection to the Bethel school. Also, we will have a coin collection jar in the front entry so the kids can have a visual of their coins adding up. Thank you for participating in our fundraising effort to help a school in need.

Please remember to send your child to school with the proper outside gear for recess. This includes a warm coat or jacket, snow pants, gloves or mittens, winter boots and a warm hat. KPBSD policy states that we will have outdoor recess until the temperature dips below minus ten degrees.

Redoubt Elementary

Box Tops/Labels for Education Winners last week were: Micah Porter, Baker Tracy & Owen Buckbee. Keep those Box Tops for education and Labels for education coming, weekly drawings are held so don’t forget to have your child put their name on the back of each Box Top and turn them in at school.

■ Dec. 3 – 4th-6th grade Winter Concert, Thursday, Dec. 3 at 6 p.m. at Soldotna High School, students should arrive between 5:15-5:30pm.

■ Dec. 4 -Helping Redoubt Families – Does your family need help this holiday season? Please let us know! Complete the form on the back of Redoubt’s weekly newsletter and return it to Mr. Withrow by December 4th. Please call the school office if you have questions regarding this program.

■ Dec. 7 – Redoubt Holiday Kindness Program Assisting Redoubt families in need this holiday season is underway. Please help this year if you can, purchase a gift or gifts from our angel tree for a Redoubt family. All gifts need to be brought to the school by Dec. 7. Volunteer your time, we need people to assemble the angel tree and much more.

■ Dec. 3 – Band Concert – 5th & 6th grade Band Concert on Thursday Dec. 10 at 6 p.m. at Redoubt Elementary Gym, students should arrive between 5:15-5:30pm.

■ Dec. 3 – PTA Meeting at 5 p.m. Child care will be provided.

■ Dec. 8-10 – The Elf Shelf Holiday Store is coming. PTA sponsors this annual gift shopping opportunity for students. This is a fun low-cost shopping experience for students to be able to make holiday purchases for family members.

■ Dec. 9 – Site Council Meeting at 3:45 p.m. Staff Lounge.

Support Redoubt Elementary while you shop at Fred Meyer. Every time you shop with your linked Rewards Card at Fred Meyer, you’re helping Redoubt Elementary earn a donation. And the more supporters who link their Rewards Cards to Redoubt Elementary the more we can earn. To link your Rewards account go to:

Redoubt students collected over 1,120 lbs. of non-perishable food items during our “Great Grocery Grab.” All food items were donated to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank.

Fundraiser Items are here! “Believe Kids” fundraiser items were sent home with students last week. Please make sure that all items are delivered as soon as possible. Thank you to our students and community members for supporting our school. Funds raised will be used to purchase much needed equipment and supplies for our students.

Soldotna Elementary

December 1 Soldotna Elementary and Montessori grades 1-3 will perform a Winter Concert at 6:30pm. Participating students should arrive no later than 6 p.m. at the Soldotna High School Auditorium.

There is a “Toys for Tots” donation box in the school lobby for new and unwrapped toys for kids of all ages.

Soldotna High

Soldotna High School PTSA is looking for parents, students, school staff, and community members who want to make a positive difference! Being involved in PTSA provides an opportunity for networking with others who want to support our school, as well as opportunities to be informed about all the great things happening at our school. SoHi PTSA annually provides scholarships to graduating seniors, supports school staff with appreciation luncheons twice a year, and supports parent driven events including After Prom and After Grad. Membership is $10.00 per year and membership forms can be picked up/dropped off at the school office. If you are interested in joining PTSA, contact Sheilah-Margaret Pothast at or attend our next meeting on Thursday, January 14th at 5:30pm in the SoHi Staff Lounge!

Soldotna High School PTSA’s primary fundraiser is the Fred Meyer Rewards Program. It’s easy to sign up and makes a BIG difference for our PTSA and our school. Visit with your Rewards Program number and select Soldotna High School PTSA. It’s quick and simple and you’ll make a positive impact just by doing your everyday shopping! Thank you!

Soldotna Prep

Congratulations to Cody Nye for being selected as Soldotna Prep’s November Chamber of Commerce Student of the Month.

Check SOPREP school blog for important information and updates

The Study

The Study is excited to announce that it’s expansion in the 2015-16 school year has been an absolute success. Not only are they offering Academic Pre-K and Kindergarten, but have also added first through third grade. If your little one is not receiving highly academic, direct instruction, call The Study to inquire about how to enroll in their year-long programs.

For the older students, The Study offers the following:

■ Homework Club on Mondays & Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m.

■ High School Courses for Credit: Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Alaska Studies, Government, Art Exploration, Spanish, ASL

■ Private & Group Tutoring in all subjects

■ Piano, Voice, and Guitar Lessons

■ SAT Prep

■ A wide variety of workshops, such as Jr. High Math, Mastery of Multiplication, Excellence in Writing, Ground School, Study Skills, and even Summer School

As an accredited private school and learning center, The Study is committed to meeting the educational needs of the Kenai Peninsula.”

Tustumena Elementary

■ Dec. 4 Cash Raffle

■ Dec. 10 Winter Concert

■ Dec. 16 Geography Bee, 1:30 p.m.

■ Dec. 17 Reindeer Games

■ Dec. 18 No school for students

■ Dec. 18 End of second Quarter

■ Dec. 18 Teacher Inservice

■ Dec. 19 to Jan. 3, Winter Break

Wings Christian Academy

■ Cleanest Desk Awards: Aaliyah Romero, Ethan Burga, and Deloma Watkins.

■ Parent Night, October 27, 2015, 7PM

■ Hot Lunch, Wednesday, October 21, 2015, Meat Ball Subs, Tater Tots, Fruit, Dessert and Drink.

■ Honor Roll Trip, November 2, 2015. Hay Tunnel at Solid Rock Bible Camp.

More in News

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Alaskans across the state rally to save Medicaid: their ‘lifeline’

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Rep. Rebecca Himschoot (I-Sitka) offers an overview of House Bill 69 during Wednesday’s floor session. (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire)
House passes education bill with $1,000 BSA increase as state’s fiscal situation grows bleaker

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U.S. Coast Guard officer Alexander Curran shows Homer visitors the bow of the USCG cutter Naushon on Aug. 4, 2023, in Homer, Alaska. (Emilie Springer/ Homer News.)
USCG cutter Naushon to be decommissioned  

A ceremony honoring the soon-to-be retired ship will be held on Friday, March 21 on the Homer Spit.

Chris Keithley, 2024 Homer Winter King Salmon Tournament champion, poses with his prize fish after the awards ceremony at the Deep Water Dock on the Spit in Homer, Alaska on Saturday, March 23, 2024. (Delcenia Cosman/Homer News)
Winter King Tournament scheduled for March 22

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A group of volunteers during the 2024 K-Bay Sea Duck Survey. Two boats duplicate the same survey in the same area at the same time to help ensure accuracy. (Photo courtesy of Bjorn Larson)
Homer bird enthusiasts prepare for annual sea duck count

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Community members hold up protest signs during the Stand for Democracy Rally on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2025, at WKFL Park in Homer, Alaska. (Chloe Pleznac/Homer News)
‘We haven’t lost our democracy yet’

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Homer man sentenced for illegally transporting black bears

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Girl Scout Troop 210, which includes Caitlyn Eskelin, Emma Hindman, Kadie Newkirk and Lyberty Stockman, present their “Bucket Trees” to a panel of judges in the 34th Annual Caring for the Kenai Competition at Kenai Central High School in Kenai, Alaska, on Thursday, April 18, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Caring for the Kenai announces 12 finalists

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Daaljíni Mary Cruise, left, offers encouragement to participants in a Unity for the Queer Community rally at the Alaska State Capitol on Sunday afternoon. (Mark Sabbatini / Juneau Empire)
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