Court Reports Jan. 27 – Feb.4

Court Reports Jan. 27 - Feb.4

The following judgments were recently handed down in Kenai District Court:

Brian W. Aspin, 39, of Kasilof, pleaded guilty to one count of an amended charge of disorderly conduct and one count of violating condition of release, committed Dec. 7. On the count of disorderly conduct, he was sentenced to time served and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. On the count of violating condition of release, he was fined $500. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Tamsen D. Brewer, 34, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises), committed Nov. 26. Brewer was fined a $50 court surcharge, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with Kenai Safeway, and placed on probation for six months.

David John Charlie, 32, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), committed Nov. 18, 2017. He was sentenced to one day in jail (time served) and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

Isaac James Couch, 25, of Nikiski, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault (causing fear of injury), committed Dec. 28. He was fined $500, a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete substance/alcohol abuse and mental health assessments and follow all recommendations, ordered to have no contact with victim unless on official police business, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Vasila Valentina Fisher, 20, or Soldotna, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct, committed Jan. 26. She was sentenced to one day in jail and fined a $500 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Inez J. Gamechuk, 38, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault (causing fear of injury), committed Nov. 22. She was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with victim unless permission is filed with the court, and placed on probation for 12 months. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Peter Imgalrea, 25, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Dec. 13. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail or under electronic monitoring with 27 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $66 for the first three days plus $14 for each additional day of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for one year, and placed on probation for one year.

Nick Leon Sacaloff, 34, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, revoked or suspended, committed Dec. 31. He was fined $500 and a $50 court surcharge, ordered to perform 80 hours of community work service, had his license revoked for 90 days, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Laura Sandoval, 32, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to one count of an amended charge or second-degree harassment and one count of drunken person on licensed premises, committed Oct. 28. On count one, imposition of sentence was suspended and she was placed on probation for 12 months, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge, ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, and ordered to have no contact with victim. On count two, imposition of sentence was suspended and she was placed on probation for 12 months, ordered not to consume or buy alcohol for 12 months, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, and ordered to have no contact with victim.

James H. Duncan, 54, General Delivery, Kenai, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises), committed Dec. 14. He was sentenced to two days in jail and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

James Henry Duncan, 54, General Delivery, Kenai, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass (vehicle), committed Dec. 24. He was sentenced to two days in jail and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

James H. Duncan, 54, General Delivery, Kenai, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises), committed Dec. 29. He was sentenced to two days in jail and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

James Henry Duncan, Homeless, Kenai, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release, committed Jan. 1. He was sentenced to four days in jail and fined a $100 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Chance L. Roberts, 21, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second-degree harassment, committed Sept. 23. He was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete a substance/alcohol abuse assessment and follow all recommendations, ordered to have no contact with victim unless written request is in the court file, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Chance Lauren Roberts, 21, of Big Lake, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release, committed Oct. 24. He was sentenced to time served and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge.

Skye Michael Chavalkun, 38, of Fairbanks, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed July 7. Chavalkun was sentenced to 60 days in jail or under electronic monitoring with 57 days suspended, fined $3,000 with $1,500 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $66 for the first three days plus $14 for each additional day of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, ordered not to possess, consume or buy alcohol for one year, and placed on probation for one year. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Lydia Dee Reynolds, 32, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Dec. 2. She was sentenced to 120 days in jail with 100 days suspended, fined $4,000 with $1,000 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, and $1,467 cost of imprisonment, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had her license revoked for one year, and placed on probation for two years.

Lydia Reynolds, 32, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release, committed Jan. 8. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Christian Peterson See, 51, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Dec. 13. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail or under electronic monitoring with 27 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and $66 for the first three days plus $14 for each additional day of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for one year.

Gabriel William Strickland, 27, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of third-degree theft, committed July 19, 2016. He was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge, ordered to perform 40 hours of community work service, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited items seized, ordered to have no contact with Kenai Home Depot, and placed on probation for 12 months.

Sarah Elizabeth Kaiser, 36, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second-degree harassment, committed Jan. 27. She was fined a $100 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to have no contact with victim, except one time via third party to arrange retrieval with civil assist of personal items and vehicle, and was placed on probation for 12 months.

Glen Walker Allen, 56, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to driving under the influence, committed Nov. 11. He was sentenced to 23 days on electronic monitoring with 20 days suspended, fined $2,000 with $500 suspended, a $75 court surcharge and $66 for the first three days of monitoring ordered, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, and placed on probation for one year.

Heather Jo Armstrong, 35, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to third-degree theft, committed Feb. 2, 2017. She was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge, ordered to pay restitution, and placed on probation for one year.

Sarrah Jane Pagulo Manolakakis, 24, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of disorderly conduct, committed June 28. She was sentenced to time served and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Carson L. Odhner, 25, of Moose Pass, pleaded guilty to second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises), committed Oct. 6. Imposition of sentence was suspended and he was placed on probation for 12 months, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, and ordered to have no contact with the cruise ship terminal in Seward. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Diana Pebble Westover, 30, of Anchorage, pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree criminal trespass and one count of violating condition of release, committed Jan. 22. On count one, she was sentenced to five days in jail and fined a $100 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. On count two, she was sentenced to two days in jail (time served).

The following judgments were recently handed down in Kenai Superior Court:

James Jay Emerson, 48, of Nikiski, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor count of driving under the influence, one felony count of second-degree misconduct involving weapons, and one felony count of attempted second-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance, committed May 9. On the count of driving under the influence, he was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 days suspended, fined $3,000 with $1,500 suspended, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had his license revoked for 90 days, forfeited all items seized, and placed on probation for one year. He was sentenced to two years in prison with all but time served suspended on each of the two felony counts, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $200 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay $50 cost of appointed counsel, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited all items seized, ordered, among other conditions of probation, not to consume alcohol to excess, not to use or possess any illegal controlled substances, including synthetic drugs and marijuana, ordered not to possess, apply for or obtain a medical marijuana card or act as a caregiver while under supervision, ordered to complete a substance abuse evaluation and comply with treatment recommendations, ordered to submit to search directed by a probation officer, with or without probable cause, for the presence of controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, and evidence of controlled substance transactions, and was placed on probation for three years. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Michael James Snyder, 31, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to first-degree indecent exposure, committed Nov. 5, 2016. He was sentenced to six years in prison with four years suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $200 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay $50 cost of appointed counsel, ordered, among other conditions of probation, not to consume alcohol to excess, to complete a mental health assessment and comply with treatment recommendations, to successfully complete sex offender treatment programming, ordered not to possess any sexually explicit material, to submit to search directed by or at the direction of a probation officer for the presence of sexually explicit material, to have no contact with victim in this case, to have no contact with a person under 18 years of age unless in the immediate presence of another adult who knows the circumstances of his crime and then only with written permission from the probation officer, ordered not to open or maintain any internet account or participate in any social media accounts such as dating sites, MySpace, or Facebook, ordered not to access the internet from anyone else’s account without prior written permission from the probation officer, ordered not to reside where a minor under the age of 18 is residing or staying without written permission of the probation officer, the sex offender treatment provider, and the parent/guardian of the minor, ordered to inform any employer of this conviction and probation status, and was placed on probation for 10 years after serving any term of incarceration imposed. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Kylor Toby Talbott, 25, address unknown, pleaded guilty to second-degree theft, committed May 6. He was sentenced to three years in prison with two years suspended, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $200 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay $300 cost of appointed counsel, had his license revoked for one year, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited all items seized, ordered, among other conditions of probation, not to consume alcohol at all, not to use or possess any illegal controlled substances, including marijuana or synthetic drugs, not to reside where alcoholic beverages are present or enter any business establishment whose primary business is the sale or alcohol or marijuana, to complete a substance abuse assessment and comply with treatment recommendations, to have no contact with victim in this case or a specifically noted address, to have no contact with co-defendant, to submit to search directed by a probation officer, with or without probable cause, for the presence of alcohol, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, evidence of controlled substance transactions, weapons and stolen property, and was placed on probation for five years. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

Heather Armstrong, 35, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one felony count of second-degree theft (firearm/explosive), one misdemeanor count of fraudulent use of stolen access device, and one misdemeanor count of second-degree criminal trespass (vehicle), committed Feb. 8, 2017. Imposition of sentence was suspended and she was placed on probation for three years, ordered to pay restitution, fined a $100 court surcharge and a $200 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, credited for treatment received, and ordered, among other conditions of probation, not to use or possess any alcoholic beverages or illegal controlled substances, including marijuana or synthetic drugs, ordered to submit to search directed by a probation officer, with or without probable cause, for the presence of alcohol, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, evidence of controlled substance transactions and stolen property, ordered not to reside where alcoholic beverages, drugs, including marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids, are present, ordered not to enter any business establishment whose primary business is the sale of alcohol or marijuana and not to be anywhere any of those things are being sold or consumed, publicly or privately, and ordered to have no contact with Soldotna Tesoro, Sweeney’s or Lucky Raven. All other charges in this case were dismissed.

The following dismissals were recently handed down in Kenai District Court:

Charges of one count of disorderly conduct (challenge to fight) and one count of drunken person on licensed premises against Anthony Michael Flores, 23, of Anchorage, were dismissed. Date of the charges was July 7.

A charge of no motor vehicle liability insurance against Daniel Patrick Osmar, 26, of Ninilchik, was dismissed. Date of the charge was Dec. 20.

A charge of violating condition of release against Lydia Dee Reynolds, 32, of Soldotna, was dismissed. Date of the charge was Dec. 6.

Charges of one count of second-degree terroristic threat (causing evacuation) and one count of violating condition of release against David T. Obrien, 38, of Kenai, were dismissed. Date of the charges was Jan. 19.

A charge of second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises) against Heather J. Armstrong, 35, of Kenai, was dismissed. Date of the charge was Jan. 31, 2017.

A charge of third-degree theft against Heather Jo Armstrong, 35, of Kenai, was dismissed. Date of the charge was Feb. 9, 2017.

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