On a blustery, dreary Thursday afternoon hundreds of cars lined up along Fireweed Street next to Central Peninsula Hospital (CPH) for a free flu shot and chapstick compliments of CPH. “We vaccinated 495 people over the age of 18 between 3:00 and 5:30pm with the last car in line coming through right at 5:30,” reported CPH infection preventionist Dana McDonald. Seven UAA nursing students were on hand to help out and keep the drive-through moving quickly, “It’s a great way for them to get some practice in and most importantly we’re vaccinating our community and keeping it healthy. Getting a flu shot is super important according to CDC it’s the number one way to prevent the spread of influenza,” said McDonald. One lady in the passenger seat was watching the driver get his shot and when she felt the student nurse placing a bandage on her arm said, “Really, you gave it to me already? I didn’t feel a thing!”
According to McDonald anyone who missed the Drive-Through flu shot clinic should check with their primary care provider or other locations where flu shots are available and be sure to be vaccinated. Anyone over the age of 65 and others with pulmonary disease such as asthma or heart disease, smokers or other high risk individuals are also recommended to get a pneumococcal or pneumonia vaccine that helps prevent pneumonia. “The pneumonia vaccine was not included at the drive-through flu clinic but is recommended for those over age 65 and others in at risk groups.”