Kenai’s City Council on Wednesday accepted grant funding through the federal Department of Justice to cover the cost of ballistic vests purchased this year for the police department.
An ordinance unanimously enacted during the council’s Feb. 19 meeting says that a total of $4,239 was accepted and directed to an account in the police department. Half of that comes from a “Ballistic Vest Partnership” grant from the federal government, while the other half comes from a reimbursement program maintained by the city’s insurer, Alaska Municipal League Joint Insurance.
Together, Kenai Police Chief Dave Ross writes in a memo attached to the ordinance, the funds entirely cover the purchase of three ballistic vests this fiscal year. Ross told the council during the meeting that a vest has a five-year operational lifetime before it is replaced.
The ordinance was enacted with little comment. Vice Mayor Henry Knackstedt thanked the department for seeking out funding to cover the vests.
A full recording of the meeting is available on the City of Kenai’s Public Meetings YouTube channel.
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