Tuesday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Community & Regional Affairs Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 75 Marijuana Regulation; Clubs; Municipalities; Local Option Election and SB 100 North Slope Gas Project Property Tax; Assessment. Testimony will be taken.
Tuesday 5:00 p.m.
The House Special Committee on Fisheries will sponsor a public hearing to discuss Confirmation: Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission. Testimony will be taken.
Wednesday 1:00 p.m.
The House Judiciary Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 43 Immunity For Fire Department & Members and SB 30 Marijuana Regulation; Controlled Substance; Crimes; Defenses. Testimony will be taken.
All teleconferences are held at the Kenai Legislative Information Office, 145 Main Street Loop No. 217, Kenai, unless otherwise noted. To confirm call 283-2030 or email Kenai.LIO@akleg.gov. To watch online go to http://alaskalegislature.tv/.