Monday 1:00 p.m.
The House Judiciary Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 79 Marijuana Regulation; Controlled Substance; Crimes; Defenses. Testimony will be taken.
Monday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HJR 9 Endorsing ANWR Leasing and Confirmation on Governor’s Appointees: Board of Fish: Dr. Roland Maw. Testimony will be taken.
Thursday 10:00 a.m.
The House Special Committee on Fisheries will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 103 Boards of Fish / Game Regulation Authority. Testimony will be taken.
All teleconferences are held at the Kenai Legislative Information Office, 145 Main Street Loop No. 217, Kenai, unless otherwise noted. To confirm call 283-2030 or email To listen or watch online go to