Monday 1:30 p.m.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 174 Regulation of Firearms / Knives by University of Alaska. Testimony will be taken.
Monday 3:15 p.m.
The House Labor & Commerce Committee will sponsor a public hearing for a Presentation: “Economic Impacts of Alaska Fiscal Options — Draft Conclusions” by Professor Gunnar Knapp, Institute of Social & Economic Research. Testimony by invitation only.
Monday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 170 DNR Fees for Geological Services and HB 137 Hunt / Fish / Trap: Fees; Licenses; Exemptions. Testimony will be taken.
Tuesday 1:30 p.m.
The House Finance Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 256 Appropriations: Operating Budget / Loans / Funds and HB 257 Appropriations: Mental Health Budget. 2 minute testimony limit. You may send written testimony to:
Tuesday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Education Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 107 Board of Regents Regional Residency Qualifications and SB 191 Limit Abortion Services Providers in Schools. Testimony will be taken.
Wednesday 1:00pm
The House Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 247 Tax; Credits; Interest; Refunds; Oil & Gas. Testimony by invitation only.
Wednesday 1:30 p.m.
The Senate Judiciary Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 112 Adoption of Child in State Custody and SB 174 Regulation of Firearms / Knives by University of Alaska. Testimony will be taken.
Wednesday 3:15pm
The House Labor & Commerce Committee will sponsor a public hearing for a continued Presentation: “Economic Impacts of Alaska Fiscal Options – Draft Conclusions” by Professor Gunnar Knapp, Institute of Social & Economic Research, and to discuss HB 304 Electronic Tax Returns; Tobacco & E-Cigs Tax. Testimony will be taken.
Wednesday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 125 Legislative Members of AGDC Board and HB 100 Urea / Ammonia / Gas-Liquification Facility; Tax Credit. Testimony will be taken.
Wednesday 6:00 p.m.
The House Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 247 Tax; Credits; Interest; Refunds; Oil & Gas. Listen only.
Thursday 3:30pm
The Senate Education Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 84 Language Immersion Schools / Teacher Certificates and SB 191 Limit Abortion Services Providers in Schools. Testimony will be taken.
Thursday 6:00 p.m.
Legislators from House Districts 29 & 30 and Senate District O will sponsor a constituent meeting. Anyone may speak with Rep. Mike Chenault, Rep. Kurt Olson or Senator Peter Micciche via teleconference by attending at the Kenai LIO.
Thursday 6:30 p.m.
The Senate State Affairs Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SJR 1 Constitutional Amendment: Guarantee Perm Fund Dividend. 2 minute testimony limit. You may send written testimony by email to: or by fax to: 907-465-4928.
Friday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 164 Fish & Game: Offenses; Licenses; Penalties and SB 172 Fish / Shellfish Hatchery / Enhancement Projects. Testimony will be taken.
All teleconferences are held at the Kenai Legislative Information Office, 145 Main Street Loop No. 217 in Kenai, unless otherwise noted. To confirm call 283-2030 or email To listen or watch online go to