Monday 1 p.m.
The House Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 334 Oil & Gas Transferable Tax Credit Certification, HB 344 Invasive Aquatic Plant Species Control, HB 351 Uses of Nancy Lake State Recreation Area and HJR 30 Izembek Land Exchange. 3 minute testimony limit.
Monday 3:15 p.m.
The House Labor & Commerce Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 316 Workers’ Compensation Medical Fees, HB 152 PERS Termination Costs, HB 328 Board / Licensing of Massage Therapists and HCR 15 Task Force on Unmanned Aircraft. Testimony will be taken.
Tuesday 8:30 a.m.
The House Finance Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 112 Repeal Film Production Tax Credit. Listen only.
Tuesday 9 a.m.
The Senate Finance Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 64 Omnibus Crime / Corrections Bill. 2 minute testimony limit.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.
The House Finance Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 266 Appropriations: Operating Budget / Loans / Funds, HB 267 Appropriations: Mental Health Budget and HB 306 Evaluate Indirect Expenditures; Tax Credits. Testimony will be taken on HB 306; listen only for HB 266 & HB 267.
Wednesday 9 a.m.
The Senate Finance Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss SB 98 VPSO Firearms, SB 105 Quitclaim Land to United States, SB 77 Big Game Hunting with Children and HB 231 Cattle Brand Registration. Testimony will be taken.
Wednesday 1:30 p.m.
The Senate Health & Social Services Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 263 Extend Senior Benefits Payment Program. 3 minute testimony limit.
Wednesday 3:15 p.m.
The House Labor & Commerce Committee will sponsor a public hearing for an Update: “Alaska LNG Project” by Steve Butt, Project Manager. Testimony by invitation only.
Wednesday 3:30 p.m.
The Senate Resources Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 77 Land Use / Disposal / Exchanges; Water Rights. 2 minute testimony limit.
Thursday 8 a.m.
The State Board of Education will hold their regular quarterly meeting and will take Public Comment on agenda items. For complete information go to the Board’s website:
Thursday 3 p.m.
The House Health & Social Services Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 134 Medicaid Payment for Mediset Prescription, HB 250 Medical Malpractice Actions, HCR 18 Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative and HCR 19 Supporting Efforts of Recover Alaska. 3 minute testimony limit.
Friday 3:15 p.m.
The House Labor & Commerce Committee will sponsor a public hearing to discuss HB 203 Reimbursement of Health Insurance Claims, HB 282 Landlord and Tenant Act, HB 230 AIDEA Bonds for Processing Facilities and HB 316 Workers’ Compensation Medical Fees. Testimony will be taken.
All teleconferences are held at the Kenai Legislative Information Office, 145 Main Street Loop No. 217, Kenai, unless otherwise noted. To confirm call 283-2030 or email To listen or watch online go to