Soldotna High School will on Friday kick off a new tradition with the first Little Sweetheart Dance, which invites parents and children from kindergarten to the sixth grade to participate in an evening of festivities.
“We really wanted everybody to come and start building that connection between them and SoHi,” Assistant Principal Tracy Smith said.
The event will be hosted by SoHi’s freshmen student council, as well as the school’s drama, debate and forensics programs.
Smith said there wouldn’t be a DJ, but that a playlist was curated to include songs that are sweet and upbeat, featuring some “tunes from their favorite movies” and some fun picks like “The Chicken Dance.”
Capri-Suns will be featured at the snack bar and the event will have a photo booth.
The event grew out of a desire to do something around Valentine’s Day, and to fill the gap in winter events for children in the age group, Smith said.
“It’s an opportunity for them to dress up,” she said. “Kind of like a daddy-daughter style dance, but for the whole family.”
If the event receives a positive response, Smith said she hopes to make it an annual tradition that builds a connection between SoHi and its future students.
Tickets can be purchased by scanning a QR code on the event poster, which can be found at Tickets are $10 if purchased online, or can be purchased at the door for $15. A ticket gets a child in the door with two adults.
Reach reporter Jake Dye at