Official election results from the Kenai Peninsula Borough’s municipal election will be certified at Tuesday’s Borough Assembly meeting.
There were no new upsets or victories on the central peninsula. With the influx of absentee ballots, however, some numbers changed.
For Proposition 1, on the K-Selo bonds, slightly more votes came in for support of the bonds, but not enough to swing the vote. As it stands, 58 percent of voters did not support the proposition, which would have authorized $5.4 million in borough funds to help build a school in the village of Kachemak Selo.
Kenai City Council results were close, but the 125 absentee ballots from Kenai didn’t change the final outcome. The council’s two elected members are Robert Peterkin II and Bob Molloy.
Greg Madden officially holds nearly 50 percent of the vote in the four-way District 5 school board race.