The slide buried a large part of Lowell Point Road along Resurrection Bay
Carter filed an amicus brief in the long-standing legal dispute over efforts to build a road through the refuge
Low inventory, local landscape fuel housing crisis in Seward
Many have family, others just can’t go home
The panel includes members with diverse experiences and backgrounds
State senator wants to follow in Young’s footsteps.
More and more attention is being paid nationwide to the staggering violence rates.
Rimml began his climb April 27 from the Kahiltna Glacier base camp at 7,200 feet, officials said.
The senior center’s fundraising group presented a check to the Kenai City Council on Wednesday
Legislative leaders have said they see resolving the divisive debate as critical
DeShawn McCormick disappeared nine years ago when he was 6 years old
Cases have increased by just 1% from the week of April 20-26
The service was introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic
The indictment was made public April 28 for Glenn and Saray Lockwood
The ship, due to arrive here Saturday, experienced an outbreak enroute from Miami to Seattle.
Kenai Performers takes on Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance of Being Earnest”
The goal of reapportionment is to get the population of each assembly and board of education district as close to a “target population” as possible
Senate attempts to rework dividend formula
City leaders gave their fourth “State of the City” address Wednesday
Sterling principal recognized in surprise ceremony