The fiery, tireless defender in U.S. House lies in state in the Capitol
Some lawmakers resist mask requirements amid COVID-19 outbreak
No Republican senators have signaled support for Jackson
People must be registered to vote by May 12 to vote in the special primary election
Both vehicles received “disabling damage,” troopers reported
Lawmaker absences push back timeline for budget bill
Soldotna parks and rec board would get bigger, meet more often under proposal
Renters battle limited housing inventory
More than 4 feet of snow fell in the community of Valdez between mid-February and mid-March
Gray-Jackson had been the only Democrat so far to file with the state Division of Elections to run for the seat
Summit Lake, Snug Harbor and Cooper Landing areas are in optimal avalanche condition this weekend
There were 559 news cases in Alaska sequenced Wednesday and Thursday
Tuckerman Babcock and incumbent Sen. Peter Micciche have also filed to run for the seat
Race marshal Mark Nordman, said the indoor rest for the dogs amounted to a competitive advantage
Still a long time coming.
Borough land management is crafting legislation to outline a forest management plan, timber sale
On Saturday, April 2, a memorial is scheduled to be held at Anchorage Baptist Temple, in Anchorage
Gary Williams served as mayor during transitional times of 1970s.
The Fairbanks North Star Borough routinely exceeds limits set by the EPA for particle pollution