Special session ends June 19.
The filing was lauded by members of Alaska’s Republican congressional delegation.
Last year’s event was canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Written above and below the swastika are the words, “WE ARE EVERYWHERE.”
A November decision determined the proposed Pebble mine was “contrary to the public interest.”
The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced 45 new cases on Thursday.
Changes include new market director, relaxation of COVID-19 safety policies and return of craft and hot-foot vendors.
Departments have been working with the borough to craft their budgets over the past several months, and have outlined their goals heading into the next fiscal year.
Dr. Anne Zink, chief medical officer for the state, made a trip to Soldotna on Wednesday as part of the “Sleeves Up for Summer” campaign.
The refuge has been closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic for over a year.
Never approach a calf moose or come between a cow and calf moose, troopers said.
Nearly 3,000 12- to 15-year-olds in Alaska had received their first Pfizer dose as of May 20.
Superintendent John O’Brien spoke with the Clarion about his 16 years of service in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Current conditions in the Kenai Peninsula Borough increase the chances of surface fires.
The animal shelter also emerged as a priority among a similar question asked of 10 city department heads.
A federally recognized tribe is scrambling to raise funds to regain stewardship of the lands.
Canada, amid COVID-19 concerns, has barred cruise operations through February.