Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
Refuge exhibit uses virtual reality to transport users to wilderness
Schools plan to open to on-site learning Tuesday
Pollution, human rights and community determinism are all on their agenda.
The state reported 69 new cases on Wednesday
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
The state also reported 36 new cases of COVID-19.
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
As of Aug. 31, the eligibility requirements for the AK CARES grant program were expanded
Of the three most recent peninsula cases, two are Kenai residents and one is a Homer resident.
Decision on opening schools to come Wednesday or sooner
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
Grant-funded effort offers a detailed look at where Alaska’s most at-risk populations live.
Aquarium received $250,000 matching donation
22.7% of registered voters cast their ballot in the August primary
The calf was discovered at Captain Cook Discovery Campground on Aug. 16.
Programs will provide direct relief for city residents who have experienced economic hardships
They won’t be on the ballot
Since Sunday, the state has reported 478 new cases of COVID-19
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.