Only major sector with more jobs than it had in July 2019 was the federal government
Virus continues to spread among residents primarily through community and close contact transmission
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
‘Unlike any school year we’ve ever had before’
Pebble Limited Partnership CEO Tom Collier disputed the Politico report.
Alaska’s junior senator discusses economic recovery, legislative priorities and pandemic response
Nurse gives tips for aiding contact tracers
Get It and Go Meals are available through the school district.
Kenai now has 75 total cumulative cases.
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
The contest asks students to come up with an idea related to conservation or disaster preparedness.
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
Community health center offers kids new backpacks for the start of school.
Librarians take pies to face to celebrate end of summer reading program
There are now a total of 4,438 resident cases of COVID-19 in Alaska
The election for both the borough and peninsula municipalities is on Oct. 6.
Cases include 14 on central peninsula, one in Homer and one nonresident
Risk levels are based on COVID cases reported in a community and determine how schools will operate.
The man embarked on a canoe trip at about 4:45 p.m. on Sunday.
Rising COVID-19 cases delay on-site learning until at least Sept. 8