Information for this report was taken from publicly available law enforcement records and contains arrest and citation information. Anyone listed in this report is presumed… Continue reading
For years, the proposed Pebble Mine has been shrouded in controversy.
141 new cases driven in part by seafood industry outbreaks
There were 78 new cases of the disease reported Saturday.
Google says advertising company needs to be verified for the U.S.
The study looks at nine different indicators for 15 Cook Inlet chinook popluations.
Rising positive tests prompt change of course
The employee is not a therapist and did not have direct contact with any clients, owners says.
This brings the total number of resident cases to 1,693 and nonresident cases to 339.
The chamber had planned to expand Progress Days to a four-day event.
City property is off limits to camping.
‘Ended this regulatory assault.’
The measure affirms the assembly’s commitment to supporting citizen rights to keep and bear arms.
The new entity would be called the Western Emergency Service Area.
It was the first death from paralytic shellfish poisoning in 10 years.
The state of Alaska reported 57 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday — 53 resident cases and four nonresident cases. The Kenai Peninsula, with 209… Continue reading
Guest speaker Jill Schaefer discussed the Alaska North Slope Oil Production Tax Increase Initiative.