Preparing the Heart For Winter
By Norm Olson
A huge gust thrust through the naked trees
Void of leaves branches become musical
A freakish whistle it leaves.
Another huge gust thrusts down the road
Naked and cold Void the tar that gave it hold
In a hurricane of dust and some snow.
Now the wild wind whines as it blows across frozen fields
packed cold in snow with nothing to hold it yields
To be uncovered and redeemed by April’s repeal.
But not across field only, but through my fine domain.
The walls sway slightly and the joists squeak a little
As the wind rattles the window panes.
And sometimes the howling wolf rests a while
As we mere mortals hurriedly shovel out
The sun is rare, but we must prepare
Our ourselves for yet another bout.
But April shouts to the winter-stranded
“Be of good cheer, for I’m on my way!”
And we wait and watch as breakup comes
To shout, … “I saw a robin today!”