School briefs

School board to meet

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 7 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board Meeting.

Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:

■ April 14;

■ May 5 (at Seward High School);

■ June 2;

■ June 3 (Board Planning Session).

Early release dates for KPBSD schools

Six times throughout the academic year, on a Wednesday, schools will meet the minimum day, so that teachers may have approximately 90 minutes of additional time to work on improvement strategies. On these early release dates, school will end 90 minutes earlier. Bus transportation will be adjusted by 90 minutes. Upcoming early release date is: April 16.

KBEA scholarships up for grabs

The Kenai Borough Employees Association scholarship committee is currently accepting applications for three scholarships of $500 each. The scholarships are available to all 2014 graduates of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, including public schools, private schools and home-schooled. Applications and instructions are available from any Kenai Peninsula Borough High School counselor’s office or on the borough’s website at Applications must be delivered or postmarked by March 28. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at the KBEA Scholarship Committee, 144 N. Binkley St., Soldotna, AK 99669.

Scholarship available to Nikiski students

If you will be a graduate in 2014, live in the community of Nikiski, and plan on continuing your education after graduation, please consider applying for the Thelma McConnell Scholarship. Applications are available at Nikiski Middle-High School. The deadline for applications is March 31. If you have questions, please contact Patti Floyd at the Nikiski Senior Center at 907-776-7654.

Career and Tech training offered

KPBSD Career and Tech Department is offering free after school academies to train students in the Welding, Construction and Medical Field.

There will be a summer construction academy at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Students will be constructing a greenhouse and a shed. Class days will be May 28-30 and June 2-6 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Also offered this summer is an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) academy. Dates and times TBA. This course will cover all areas required to receive certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. The last week of class will be for review and the final exam. If you pass the exam you’ll receive your certification and an ETT patch.

Any high school student is able to participate in any of our academies. If a student successfully completes the 60 hour academy they will receive a ∏ practical art credit.

To sign up go to or for more information call Debbie Pearson at 283-2145 or students can see there counselor.

Funding for the Alaska Construction Academies comes from a grant from the Ak Dept of Labor and Workforce Development, The Ak Dept of Commerce and Economic Development and The AK Youth First Program.

Connections Home-school

Dates To Remember:

■ March 24 — Walk/Run Club every Monday 2:30-4 p.m. Soldotna Connections

■ March 31 — Last Day To Turn In Connections Orders

■ April: Enrollment for 2014/2015 Begins This Month

■ April 1-3 — HSGQE Grade 10 and Retest Grades 11th and 12th; Standard Based Assessments (SBA s) Grade 3rd through 10th

■ April 8 — Science Assessments for Grades 4th, 8th and 10th

■ April 17 — High School Eligibility Due

■ April 28-May 16 — Ed Performance Testing for 7th and 8th

■ April 29 — Connections Talent Show

■ April 30 — Last Day To Turn In Connections Reimbursement Forms

■ May 6 — Salmon Celebration – more info coming soon!

Let’s Walk/Run Together!

Connections is beginning a weekly Walk/Run Club on Mondays from 2:30 – 4 p.m.. Our next walk/run will be March 24. Running plans are available for additional training. We will meet at Soldotna Connections. Please bring a small journal because we will be weaving wellness into our runs; incorporating goal setting and stretching. This fitness fun is welcome to all Connections families and an RSVP is required please! Required Gear: Fitness Shoes, Journal, Hydration, Appropriate Layers, we run/walk rain or shine. We ran on Monday and it was snowing! Please RSVP and share your ideas and questions with Shelli Furlong:


The Iditaread Challenge is almost over! You can still log on to the Iditarod website: Username: connections, password: 4connect. The challenge will run through March 31 and we will have prizes once you cross the finish line at Nome! Congratulations to the Seavey Family for an incredible showing at the 2014 Iditarod Race!

Kalifornsky Beach Elementary

Mr. Daniels’ Science Class is gearing up to take part in six energy science investigations next week. Students will investigate potential and kinetic energy, motion, light, chemical, radiant, and thermal energy. They will take turns presenting what they have learned to their peers.

Our first graders walked in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. What a fun experience in this weather! This Wednesday we will be putting our chicken eggs in the incubator. We will be learning about the hatching process. March 28 will be our chick centers. If you can help with centers, please sign up through or tell your teacher. Thank you!

Mrs. McCoy’s second grade class is alive with the signs of Spring. On Friday, students will begin a science unit on plants which will involve learning about the parts of a seed, graphing seeds, planting seeds, recording changes in our seeds, and studying about famous artists Georgia O-Keeffe and Claude Monet. Once our seeds have sprouted and grown into a garden, we hope to use the results to make a delicious salad for our nutrition unit.

Kenai Central High

KCHS is continuing the after school study hall. Students will be able to utilize the study hall from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Monday – Thursday. This will be a time for students to work on homework and projects or make up work from absences. The NHS will also have tutors available for students who need help in a class. If you are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please contact the counseling office.

This is Prom week at KCHS. This year’s theme is Lost at Sea. Students will begin set-up on Friday with Promenade and the dance on Saturday. Promenade will be at 8 p.m. with the dance to follow. Anyone interested in helping with Prom activities, set-up or after Prom activities please call Justin Carr at 283-2119.

The KCHS Band will be holding its annual Solo Ensemble Concert March 25 in the auditorium starting at 5 p.m. For more information contact Mrs. Sounart.

Juniors and seniors, the annual Job Fair is this Wednesday from 11 a.m.-6p.m. If you are interested in attending and have not made reservations to attend, contact the counseling office immediately.

Mountain View Elementary

Mountain View Elementary early Kindergarten registration for the 2014-2015 school year open is now open. Students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1. Registration forms may be picked up at the Mountain View Office. Kindergarten Parent Orientation will be on April 24. Registered students will be invited to visit a Kindergarten classroom on April 29.

Applications are available for the 2014-2015 Mountain View Pre-K Program. Screenings for this program will be held at the Kenai Community Library on April 15. In order to be considered, a child must be 4 years old by Sept. 1, and have a completed application returned to Mountain View Elementary. Screenings will be scheduled after applications are brought back to the school. For information please call 283-8600.

Our Principal, Mrs. Holmgaard, has accepted a Superintendent position in the Yupiit School District for next year.

Interviews for the Principal position will be held on April 2 starting at 5 p.m. in the Library at Mountain View..

SBA Testing will take place April 1, 2 and 3 for 3rd – 5th grade students. This assessment measures your student’s proficiency in reading, writing, math, and science. Here are a few ways you can support these efforts at home:

■ Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep.

■ Eat a good breakfast.

■ Be on time to school. Testing will begin first thing in the morning. We will have an alternate plan for those students arriving late.

Thank you for your support!

Spring pictures are scheduled for April 4. Watch for more information coming home soon.

We are looking for parents to serve on our Site Council for the 2014-2015 school year. The Site Council advises Mountain View Elementary staff in matters regarding staffing, goal setting, climate issues, budgeting, disciplinary procedures and strategic planning. The Site Council meets from 4:00 – 5:30 on the third Thursday of the month during 7 months of the school year. If you are interested in being a member of the Site Council please call the office at 283-8600 before April 1.

There will be a PTA meeting on April 8 at 4 p.m.

Report cards were sent home on Friday. If you did not receive one for your student, please call the office.

Nikiski North Star Elementary

SBA testing will take place April 1, 2 and 3 for students in grades 3, 4, and 5. We want to emphasize to all of our families how very important it is every day and especially during testing time that our students get a good night’s rest, eat a healthy breakfast, and arrive at school on time. All students who show up to school on time each of the three days of testing and take the test, will be able to participate in a celebration at the Nikiski Pool. If you have any questions about testing, please call the office at 776-2600.

The monthly PTA meeting for April will take place on April 3 at 3:45 p.m. in the staff lounge.

Redoubt Elementary

Redoubt Elementary 2014/2015 Preschool applications may be picked up at the school office. Children must be 4 years old by Sept. 1.

Kindergarten and new student registration will be held April 1-3 10a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please bring your child’s immunization records and a copy of their birth certificate.

Pre-Registration forms for the 2014/2015 school year were sent home. Parents are asked to complete this important form and return it to school with your child. All students in the same household may be listed on one form.

Redoubt’s 4th grade classes will be selling ice cream every Friday through the months of March and April to raise money for their spring field trip to the Kenai Fjords. Ice cream prices range between .75cents and $2. District wide testing for students (3rd – 6th grade) will be April 1st – April 3rd. It will be important for students to be in attendance these three days. Students should be on time, well rested and well nourished. Students that are in attendance all three days will be entered in special drawings.

All volunteers must be registered with the school district prior to volunteering in classrooms/driving on field trips. Field trip drivers must complete a driver form and submit required documentation when driving on school related field trips. Please contact the school office for additional information or go to click on volunteer link and follow the instructions.

Last week’s Box Tops for Education winners were, Hunter Bras, Kenny Mize and Avalee Brown. Keep those Box Tops for Education coming.

Students from Skyview High have been coming to Redoubt each week teaching about the importance of Recycling. The Green Club headed by Skyview senior Khelbie Miller has been working with Mrs. Belger’s 2nd grade class and Mr. Eveland’s 5th grade class. The Green Club’s goal is to teach students and raise awareness about recycling.

■ April 11 – Fun Fest – 3:30 – 5 p.m.

■ April 17 – New Kindergarten Parent Meeting – 9–10:30 a.m.

River City Academy

Progress reports were mailed home last week. If you have any questions, please call the school.

SBA and HSGQE testing is coming up April 1-3. Please make sure students eat a proper breakfast and come to school well rested. Be on the lookout for a sign up email from Mary regarding snacks for testing. We like to provide a variety of snack options each day such as veggies, fruit, trail mix, granola bars, etc.

The fourth quarter saw a schedule change at RCA. Math teams were created and advisory fell by the wayside. Students currently spend nearly an hour with their math teams daily. Math teams are also competing against each other for progress. Let the best Math Team win!

Yearbook order forms are now available. The cost is $25 per yearbook and we will only order the amount we sell, there will not be any extras for sale.

Saturday school is back. Please ask your student, call the school, or check the school’s calendar on the district website for more information.

We are still accepting enrollment forms for next year on a limited basis. Please call the school for more information.

Skyview High

The ski team raced at State, Mika Morton finished 3rd for small schools in the 7.5k classic race.

The girls basketball team defeated Grace Christian 42-35, but lost to ACS. The boys lost to Grace and ACS.

Sam Reynolds was selected to the All-Conference girls basketball 1st team and Meghan Powers was selected to the 2nd team. Coach McFall was named Coach of the Year. Jacob Carlson was selected to the boys 1st team and Tim Duke was selected to the 2nd team.

Interested in performing special music at Skyview’s Class of 2014 Graduation? Auditions will be held after school on March 25. Contact Mr. Peterson for more information, 260-2302.

Juniors and seniors: Looking for a job? Skyview will be taking a bus over to the Peninsula Job Fair on March 26. Pick up a permission slip from Wes Andrews or Emily Cotton.

Super Activity bell schedule on March 27 (no 5th hour class)

SST Competition at Nikiski High School March 27 6 p.m.

The Mass Dance concert will be Friday and Saturday, April 4 and 5 at KCHS auditorium 7 p.m. High school dance troupes from SoHi, Nikiski, and Skyview will be performing along with special guest artists from Vergine’s Dance Studio and Peninsula Artists in Motion. Skyview’s final dance troupe of almost 20 dancers will be taking “Adiemus” performed with live music from the Skyview choir, a student choreographed hip hop medley, and a ten minute Latin medley for the concert’s finale. Tickets are available at the door: $10 for adults and $5 for 12 and under. Come and support your dance teams!

The boys basketball team defeated Homer (58-49 and Nikiski (62-59) in overtime to finish the season with a record of 10 wins/11 losses. The girls lost to Homer and Nikiski, but finished the season with a winning record (12 wins, 11 losses).

Soldotna High

March 29, the Soldotna High School Softball Team will be holding a Rummage Sale at Soldotna High School. The sale will run from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. The team is accepting items for donation at Soldotna High School. For more information, please call 260-7000.

Cinderella’s Closet is open March 25, and 27 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the theater dressing rooms at Soldotna High School. Look for the signs! This is a program where we help local ladies in need with free prom dresses, shoes, and accessories. We have helped over 342 ladies in the past 4 years. Last year, we provided items to 92 local students from Soldotna High, Cook Inlet Academy, Skyview High, River City Academy, Kenai Central High, Nanwalek, Port Graham, Susan B. English (Seldovia), and Nikiski High. It is “housed” at SoHi, but is open to any peninsula high school students. Donations can be dropped off at the Soldotna High School office from 8 a.m.-2:45 p.m. We are in need of formal dresses, accessories, and shoes. Thank you for your support. Do you already have the prom ticket and sneak a peek info? All Juniors on prom committee….we will be meeting every Tuesday at lunch between now and Prom in Miss Bos’s room. Anyone interested in helping with prom decorations, please stop by to sign up for upcoming work sessions. We are in need of chaperones for prom and after prom on April 12. Please email Meggean at to help.

Prom News for Parents

Are you interested in seeing the prom decorations before the big dance? Would you like priority seating for promenade to make sure you get the “good” seat you want? Well, here’s your opportunity. The After Prom Committee is sponsoring “SNEAK A PEEK” for this year’s promenade. Tickets may be purchased for $5.00 a person starting March 17th. This will get you a tour of the prom decorations and early seating in the auditorium before the doors are opened to the general public. To take advantage of this opportunity, you MUST arrive between 6:40 and 7:00 that evening. Doors to the general public will open at 7:00 and we cannot guarantee your seating after that. Please note: There are only 225 tickets available for the “Sneak a Peek” so don’t delay. Tickets may be purchased at the front office of Soldotna High School.

Higher Expectations Greater Success Parent Guide (Alaska Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics) is now available at the front office. Alaska’s standards in English and math set high expectations for students from kindergarten to grade 12. Students who meet these goals will be ready for success after high school-whether it is in the military, on the job, or in a union apprenticeship, technical school, or college. Your schools will decide how to meet the standards through a local curriculum and teaching methods that respect your community’s cultures.

Soldotna Middle

Track and Field season begins April 7.

Mrs. Pothast is offering a Hurdle Clinic for those interested in learning more about technique and form in anticipation of the upcoming track season. The clinic will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays, March 24, 26, 31 and April 2 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. at Soldotna Middle School in Room 23. Students must have a permission form, hold harmless form, and concussion form turned in to Mrs. Pothast in order to participate. The clinic is free and is not mandatory. It is open to novice and experienced hurdlers alike and students must have their own transportation home no later than 3:30 p.m. each day of the clinic. For more information, please see Mrs. Pothast or email

SBA Testing for all 7th and 8th Grade students will be April 1, 2, 3. If you know your student will be absent from school any or all of these days, please contact the front office at 260-2500 as soon as possible to make arrangements for alternate testing dates.

Sterling Elementary

Kindergarten Fair! April 5 from 10 a.m. to noon

Sterling Elementary will be hosting our annual Kindergarten Fair, which also includes an opportunity to apply for our Title I Pre-K program and our community’s Head Start program. Pre-school or kindergarten age children and their families are invited to come to the Sterling Elementary gym on April 5 from 10 a.m. to noon to participate in fun activities geared towards families and their young children while also registering for school or just learning more about the options available! Registration for new students for 2014-15 will continue during the week of April 7, and will culminate with a kindergarten visitation on April 10 from 10-11 a.m. Please RSVP for the Kindergarten Visitation by calling Mrs. Mahan at the office at 262-4944 or by signing up during the Kindergarten Fair. We are still in need of a few volunteers to help with this event. Please call Miss Krissy if you are available. It is very important for staffing purposes to have our kindergarten students registered before August. Thanks for your help in this matter.

Wings Christian Academy

This week at Wings, Zane James and Ethan Berga won the “Cleanest Desk of the Week” award.  The students had a great time at the Spelling Bee.  Wings won 1st place overall.  In the 1st-2nd grade division, Charisma Watkins placed 3rd and Valerie Cázares placed 1st.  In the 3rd-4th grade division, Sunny Miller placed 3rd.  In the 5th-6th grade division, Kobe Miller placed 3rd and Madison Berga placed 1st.  In the Jr. High division, JD Bragg placed 1st.  In the High School division, Tyler Ophus placed 1st. 

In other news, Wings lost the first volleyball match to WHCS on March 7.  However, everyone put up a gallant effort and had a great time.  On March 21 the team had a volleyball match in Anchorage.  Results from the March 21 match will be posted next week.

Parent Night for the last quarter is scheduled for March 25 at 7 p.m.  Everyone is invited to attend.  The Choir students will be performing a few specials and the Speech class will be performing a skit from Readers’ Theatre.  The students will also be receiving certificates for their achievements throughout the previous quarter.

More in News

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Aurora Borealis Charter School renewal application advanced

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A banner at Homer City Hall identifies the building as a voting precinct. Early voting runs at city hall from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today, Friday and Monday in Homer, Alaska. (Photo by Michael Armstrong/Homer News)
Early voting for Nov. 5 general election open in Kenai, Soldotna and Homer

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A pumpkin tumbles from a plane above the Kenai Airpark near Kenai, Alaska, during the Sixth Annual Kenai Aviation Pumpkin Drop on Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
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Lilac Lane intersects with the Kenai Spur Highway in Kenai, Alaska, on Friday, Oct. 18, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
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Alaska State House District 5 candidates Leighton Radner and Rep. Louise Stutes participate in a candidate forum hosted by the Peninsula Clarion and KBBI 890 AM at the Seward Community Library in Seward, Alaska, on Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
Stutes, Radner talk spending, housing, child care at Seward forum

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Homer Public Library (Photo by Sarah Knapp)
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Kenai City Clerk Shelie Saner administers an oath of office to Sovala Kisena during a meeting of the Kenai City Council in Kenai, Alaska, on Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024. Kisena won election to the council during the Oct. 1 municipal election. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
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Chair Patti Truesdell speaks during a meeting of the Kenai Peninsula Board of Education Charter School Oversight Committee in Soldotna, Alaska, on Monday, Oct. 14, 2024. (Jake Dye/Peninsula Clarion)
KPBSD Committee hears charter applications from Kenaitze, Aurora Borealis

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Mount Spurr, raised to advisory on the Volcano Alert Level, can be seen in yellow northwest of the Kenai Peninsula. (Map courtesy Alaska Volcano Observatory/U.S. Department of the Interior)
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