School board to meet
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education meets at 7 p.m. in the borough building at 148 N. Binkley Street in Soldotna (unless otherwise noted). For more information, call 907-714-8888 or visit The agenda and packet items are posted on Wednesday afternoon prior to the date of the Board Meeting.
Persons with disabilities who need accommodations to participate at School Board meetings should contact Debbie Tressler at 907-714-8836 or email no later than three business days before the meeting date. The board will meet:
■ April 14;
■ May 5 (at Seward High School);
■ June 2;
■ June 3 (Board Planning Session).
Early release dates for KPBSD schools
Six times throughout the academic year, on a Wednesday, schools will meet the minimum day, so that teachers may have approximately 90 minutes of additional time to work on improvement strategies. On these early release dates, school will end 90 minutes earlier. Bus transportation will be adjusted by 90 minutes. Upcoming early release date is: Apr. 16.
KBEA scholarships up for grabs
The Kenai Borough Employees Association scholarship committee is currently accepting applications for three scholarships of $500 each. The scholarships are available to all 2014 graduates of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, including public schools, private schools and home-schooled. Applications and instructions are available from any Kenai Peninsula Borough High School counselor’s office or on the borough’s website at Applications must be delivered or postmarked by March 28. Applications can be mailed or dropped off at the KBEA Scholarship Committee, 144 N. Binkley St., Soldotna, AK 99669.
Scholarship available to Nikiski students
If you will be a graduate in 2014, live in the community of Nikiski, and plan on continuing your education after graduation, please consider applying for the Thelma McConnell Scholarship. Applications are available at Nikiski Middle-High School. The deadline for applications is March 31. If you have questions, please contact Patti Floyd at the Nikiski Senior Center at 907-776-7654.
Career and Tech training offered
KPBSD Career and Tech Department is offering free after school academies to train students in the Welding, Construction and Medical Field.
There will be a summer construction academy at the Workforce Development Center (located behind KCHS). Students will be constructing a greenhouse and a shed. Class days will be May 28-30 and June 2-6 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Also offered this summer is an Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT) academy. Dates and times TBA. This course will cover all areas required to receive certification as an Emergency Medical Technician. The last week of class will be for review and the final exam. If you pass the exam you’ll receive your certification and an ETT patch.
Any high school student is able to participate in any of our academies. If a student successfully completes the 60 hour academy they will receive a ∏ practical art credit.
To sign up go to or for more information call Debbie Pearson at 283-2145 or students can see there counselor.
Funding for the Alaska Construction Academies comes from a grant from the Ak Dept of Labor and Workforce Development, The Ak Dept of Commerce and Economic Development and The AK Youth First Program.
Connections Home-school
Dates To Remember:
■ March 17 — Walk/Run Club every Monday 2:30-4p.m. at Soldotna Connections
■ March 20 — Kenai Field Trip to Airport Fire Station & Animal Shelter
■ March 20 — 3-4:30 p.m. weekly Outdoor Adventure Club begins in Homer: for info call 907-226-1880
■ March 26 — Job and Career Fair at Peninsula Job Center 11 a.m.-6p.m.
■ March 31 — Last day to turn in Iditaread minutes
■ March 31 — Deadline for the State Fish Art Contest; Last Day To Turn In Connections Orders
■ April — Enrollment for 2014/2015 Begins This Month
■ April 1-3 — HSGQE Grade 10 and Retest Grades 11th and 12th; Standard Based Assessments Grade 3rd through 10th.
■ April 8 — Science Assessments for Grades 4th, 8th and 10th
■ April 17 — High School Eligibility Due
■ April 28-May 16 — Ed Performance Testing for 7th and 8th
■ April 29 — Connections Talent Show
■ April 30 — Last Day To Turn In Connections Reimbursement Forms
Let’s Walk/Run Together
Connections is beginning a weekly Walk/Run Club on Mondays from 2:30 – 4p.m. Our first walk/run will be Monday wear GREEN for St. Patrick’s day! Running plans are available for additional training. We will meet at Soldotna Connections. Please bring a small journal because we will be weaving wellness into our runs; incorporating goal setting and stretching. This fitness fun is welcome to all Connections families and an RSVP is required please! Required Gear: Fitness Shoes, Journal, Hydration, Appropriate Layers, we run/walk rain or shine! Please RSVP and share your ideas and questions with Shelli Furlong:
Let’s Learn About Our Community:
Our March 20 Kenai field trip adventure begins at the Kenai Municipal Airport Fire Station, then a tour of the Animal Shelter. Here is our agenda:
10 a.m. — Kenai Municipal Airport Fire Station at 305 N Willow St.
11:30 a.m. — Kenai Animal Shelter at 510 N Willow St
Please RSVP with Shelli Furlong, at
The Iditaread Challenge has started! Stop by your local Connections Office for more information and to get your sled ready to hit the trail! You can also log on to the Iditarod website: Username: connections, password: 4connect. The challenge will run through March 31 and we will have prizes once you cross the finish line at Nome!
IDEA Home-school
IDEA students in the 3rd grade or other first time SBA test takers plan to join in the Test Prep Workshop, March 17 at the Challenger Center in Kenai from 11 a.m. until noon. Students will have the opportunity to explore their testing environment, practice the procedures of testing with a practice test and ask questions.
If you are an IDEA student in grades 7 through 12, Please join us in learning about the FFA (Future Farms of America) and the Midnight Sun FFA Chapter March 17 at the IDEA office. There will also be information on how you can earn grants and scholarships while doing Supervised Agricultural and/or Natural Resources with hands on experience, developing premier leadership, personal growth, career success, and learning how to become a valuable member of your community.
March 18 is the Spring Presentation Evening at the Soldotna Community Library Conference Room beginning at 5:30 p.m. Parents please sign up for a presentation spot for your student via the email sgh-up link. This evening will showcase student achievements in many forms from piano to karate to poetry to science. Plan to come out and enjoy.
Families who are pre-registered for the Alyeska Ski Trip on March 24 plan to arrive at the Alyeska Day Lodge by 9:30 a.m. Skiers and snowboarders will collect their gear and be assigned their instructor before hitting the lifts for a full day of fun.
Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science
■ March 17 — KMS will visit with 6th graders at Kaleidoscope
■ March 19 — D.A.R.E. begins for the 5th / 6th grade classes
■ March 20 — Tap Dance Club is meeting from 3:45-4:45 p.m.
Yearbooks are on sale through April 4 for $18. Reserve your copy today!
Watch for flyers to come home for Staff Appreciation Week and the carnival – lots of volunteer opportunities!
■ March 26 at 4 p.m. is our lottery.
Year-end study trips are being scheduled now. If you plan on volunteering for any study trips, please make sure that you have the volunteer requirements done 48 hours prior to the trip.
The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Responsibility: To respond when appropriate; to be accountable for one’s actions.
Kalifornsky Beach Elementary
K-Beach students were terrific at the District forensics competition, but first we would like to say thank you to our amazing judges; Anne Larson, Dr. Kashi, Peggy Jones, Jeanne Duhan, Nancy Egbert, Ruby Christopherson. K-Beach brought not only the most judges, but they brought the best.
Here is how we placed in the competition:
Joseph Russo- 6th grade non-humorous poetry – 2nd place; Maison Dunham-5th grade humorous poetry – 4th place; Payton Rusk -5th grade non-humorous prose – 2nd place; Kylie Cramer-5th grade interpretive reading – 2nd place; Connor Koppes and Cassidy King-5th grade multiple poetry – 1st place; Bethany Richmond—4th grade humorous poetry – 5th place; Brandiee Bowers-4th grade interpretive reading single – 1st place; Matthew Gist and Jordan Henley multiple interpretive reading – 3rd place; Emylee Wilson and Elora Olson—4th grade multiple poetry – 1st place
Fifth grader Aldon Burns did a great job representing K-Beach in the Alaska State Spelling Bee. Way to go Aldon, we are so proud of you!
K-Beach First Grade will walk in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Monday. All students please meet a first grade teacher at Baily’s Furniture by 4:15p.m. to walk to the Wash N Dry.
March 18 – Band concert in the K-Beach gym at 6 p.m.
Kenai Middle
February Students of the Month are: Joshua Foster, Elizabeth Hanson, Olivia Brewer, Derek Brown, Gabriella Hunt, Ithaca Bergholtz, Raleigh Van Natta, Alisa Posey-Schave, Lisa Krol, Brock Sarks, Braden Stigall, Haley Miller, Jian Hayes. Great job KMS students!
Several 8th grade students went on the annual Washington D.C. trip with Mr. Summer during spring break. The following students were chosen as wreath bearers for the wreath ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Tuesday March 11th: Nadia Walluk, Mayzie Potton, Brenna Eubank and Dareena Doyle.
There is a Site Council meeting Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. in the library.
Congratulations to last week’s Character Counts award winners: Ithica Bergholtz and Cheyenne Everett. Good Job!
Mountain View Elementary
Mountain View Elementary early Kindergarten registration for the 2014-2015 school year open is now open. Students must be 5 years old by Sept. 1. Registration forms may be picked up at the Mountain View Office. Kindergarten Parent Orientation will be on April 24. Registered students will be invited to visit a Kindergarten classroom on April 29.
Applications are available for the 2014-2015 Mountain View Pre-K Program.
Screenings for this program will be held at the Kenai Community Library on April 15. In order to be considered, a child must be 4 years old by Sept. 1. and have a completed application returned to Mountain View Elementary. Screenings will be scheduled after applications are brought back to the school. For information please call 283-8600.
SBA Testing will take place April 1, 2 and 3 for 3rd – 5th grade students. This assessment measures your student’s proficiency in reading, writing, math, and science. Here are a few ways you can support these efforts at home:
Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep. Eat a good breakfast. Be on time to school. Testing will begin at 9:15 a.m. We will have an alternate plan for those students arriving late.
Thank you for your support!
Spring pictures are scheduled for April 4. Watch for more information coming home soon.
Congratulations to Matthew Grzybowski for taking 1st place in the 5th grade non-humorous poetry category at the district forensics competition.
Hooray to all of our forensics performers at our school meet. They were Taylor Huett, Dylan Duniphin, Brooke Sample, Hanna Morrow, Sarah Witt, Lydia Williams-Vasilie, Duasian Patow, Natalie Schneider, Amber Matthews, Nani Demello, Patience Kruse, & Kristi Anderson.
We are looking for parents to serve on our Site Council for the 2014-2015 school year. The Site Council advises Mountain View Elementary staff in matters regarding staffing, goal setting, climate issues, budgeting, disciplinary procedures and strategic planning. The Site Council meets from 4 – 5:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month during 7 months of the school year. If you are interested in being a member of the Site Council please call the office at 283-8600 before April 1.
Nikiski North Star Elementary
For the whole month of February, NNS celebrated Love of Reading and it was a huge success! The celebration culminated with a family movie night including a cake decorated with the theme of the book, My Father’s Dragon. Thank you to Samantha and Travis Moore, and Tammy Freeman for another great cake for everyone to enjoy.
Every NNS student who performed at the KPBSD Forensics meet placed either first, second or third. Congratulations to the following students: 5th grade Multiples Poetry: Karley Harden and Emilee Braun 3rd place; 5th grade Humorous Poetry: Brenden Boehme 3rd place; 5th grade Singles Interpretive Reading: Ethan Redfern 2nd place; 5th grade Multiples Prose: Stephen Foster, Emily Hufford and Piper Rucker 2nd place; 4th grade Humorous Poetry: Carly Johnson 2nd place; 4th grade Multiples Interpretive Reading: Olivia Easley and Calie Liebes 2nd place; 4th grade Single Interpretive Reading: McKinlee Jeffreys 2nd place; 4th grade Multiples Poetry: Cadence Selanoff and Diane Nasibog 2nd place; 5th grade Mulltiple Interpretive Reading: Kalei Biamonte, Travis VanCurler and Kyle Malston 1st place
Redoubt Elementary
Redoubt’s 4th grade classes will be selling ice cream every Friday through the months of March and April to raise money for their spring field trip to the Kenai Fjords. Ice cream prices range between .75cents and $2. Redoubt Elementary 2014/2015 Preschool applications may be picked up at the school office. Children must be 4 years old by September 1, 2014.
Kindergarten and new student registration will be held April 1-3 from 10:a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Please bring your child’s immunization records and a copy of their birth certificate.
Pre-Registration forms for the 2014/2015 school year were sent home Thursday, February 27. Parents are asked to complete this important form and return it to school with your child. All students in the same household may be listed on one form.
March 18 — 6:30 p.m. 6th grade parent and student night at Skyview Middle School. 2014-15 school year information and tours of the building.
All volunteers must be registered with the school district prior to volunteering in classrooms/driving on field trips. Field trip drivers must complete a driver form and submit required documentation when driving on school related field trips. Please contact the school office for additional information or go to click on volunteer link and follow the instructions.
River City Academy
Recently five students participated in five days of job shadowing at Central Peninsula Hospital. The students: Kiowa Richardson, Sheilyn Pogue, Nicole Mills, Jordan Smythe, and Zoe Zorn all completed a full day of required training prior to their five days. They received valuable hands on experience in the fields they chose to observe. A very special thank you to CPH volunteer coordinator Jim Childers for helping with this project.
Capra Edwards-Smith, Misha James-Ravin, Kiowa Richardson, Sterling Stasak and Rachael Todd participated in the 32nd Annual Model United Nations program at the University of Alaska, Anchorage Feb. 27-Mar 1. The students represented the Islamic Republic of Iran and were the first team from the Kenai Peninsula in more than 15 years to participate in the program according to Kimberly Pace, Professor of Political Science and Director of the MUN program at UAA. Students from 14 other schools including the University of Alaska Anchorage and Le Jardin High School from Oahu, Hawaii participated in the three day conference which debated this year’s topic “The Ethics of Emerging Technology.” Students researched their country, wrote a position paper and a variety of UN Resolutions from their assigned countries point of view and then had to debate, discuss and gain support for their ideas within the International community. Once students gathered the necessary support for their Resolutions they still faced the issue of winning over the NGOs and World Bank for financial support. “It was great insight and practice into the world of real politics and the negotiations that are required on a national and international level,” said Annaleah Karron, the River City Academy social studies teacher and advisor for their MUN program. Karron also received the UAA Outstanding Faculty Award which was voted on unanimously by the UAA Secretariat & staff. “As a first year team we had such a positive experience and hope to increase participation in the coming years, this is a program I would encourage all high school students to experience,” she stated.
Interested in attending a school that’s as unique as you are? RCA is now taking registrations for next year’s 7-12 graders. Please visit the school’s web site on the district web page for an enrollment form. New student information night will be held in late March. Priority registrations for next year are due by March 21, call the school office for more information 714-8945.
Soldotna Middle
March 18 – Parent/Student night at Skyview — 6:30 p.m. Parents and students of current 6th and 7th grade students are invited to attend an orientation night at Skyview. Skyview will be the new location of the Middle School at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Spartan Student Council would like to thank everyone who participated in our February “Show Us Your Spartan Heart” bulletin board project! Our compliments, thank you notes, and acts of kindness spilled over the bulletin board and extended down the hallways as students and staff celebrated the many ways we share our Spartan Hearts with those around us! StuCo extends our heartfelt thanks to all those who participated!
Congratulation to the February Students of the Month!
Social Studies – Haley Buckbee, Megan Calloway, Logan Craig, Victoria Denison, Cheyenne Groff, Kennedy Holland, Danica Schmidt, Brittany Taylor, Brennan Werner; World History – Asia Angeles Hanson; American History – Javan King, Sarah McConnell, Savannah McDonald; Science – Haley Buckbee, Rylan Burrows, Mckenzie Hale, Madeline Kindred, Colter Landeis, Maguire Merriman, William Selden, Eli Sheridan, Kindle Williams; Language Arts – Kenneth Asbell, Mckenna Foster, Madeline Kindred, Denali Lombard, Jacob Wylie; Math – Titan Farrell, Maguire Merriman, Mackenzie Powell, Tre Rybak, Rebecca Takak, Sharon Childsdress White, Kambree Whittom; Math Study Skills – Ernest Childers, Megan Eskue, Blaze Gardiner, Jillyan White, Cheyenne Vroman, Denali Wurst; Study Skills – Brady Hanson, Dorothy Kreider, Sean Verg-In; Reading – Steven Ivanoff, Trystin Clucas; Health – Levi Benner, Luis Chicas Sorto, Laurel Glaves, Dalton Hatten, Joseph McLeod, Kayli Smith, Levi Wahl; Career – Kyle Bauter, Emily Books, Caroline Cho, Charis Curry, Cora Davis, Jessica Davis, Darrion Derflinger, Noah Deutsch; Spanish 1 – Gavin Goggia; Spanish 2 – Tyla Moorleghen, Sam Snow; Construction – Rachel Davidson, Ashlee Heiman, Jaela Hubbard, Katie Richmond, Sam McElroy, Marlayna Saavedra, Kristina Sopkowiak, Cecilia Stewart, Louis Redmond; Woods 1 – Carsen Brown, Megan Calloway, Abigail Cooke, Mykenna Foster, Mirricale George Mills, Brittany Taylor, Sharon Childsdress White, Selene Williams; Business Info – Brittani Blossom; Robotics – Nicholas Edwards; Digital Photo 1 – Colin Fleming, Kyla Smith; Digital Storytelling – Colter Landeis; Yearbook – Kalyn McGillivray; Band – Haley Buckbee; Choir – Hannah Delker; Drumline – Cody Quelland; Homeroom – Kalista Eastham, Madisen Elder, Colter Landeis, Garret Moore, Ian Reger, Cheyenne Vroman, Levi Wahl, Tanner Brooks; Aide – Ella Stenga
Perfect Attendance Third Quarter!
Hali Anderson Currier, Garryn Baker, Sarah Baktuit, Donald Bennett, Derrick Bever, Kortney Birch, Fiona Boze, Tovia Bremond Hilton, Carsen Brown, Kristina Bybee, Garrett Cadwalader, Cora Carter, Caroline Cho, Abigail Cooke, Joshua Corbin, Hunter Crosby, Charis Curry, Wyatt Denna, Abigail Dipaolo, Megan Eskue, Colin Fleming, Mykenna Foster, Conner Fowler, Jay Frost, Laurel Glaves, Patrick Gross, Daniel Grubb, Christian Hames, Dalton Hatten, Ashlee Heiman, John Holland, Jessie Hubbard, Emily Jackson, Lucas Johnson, Angel Joseph Matumeak, Jayden Kemp, Javan King, Jared Knight, Jemma Lane, Denali Lombard, Anthony Long, Mariah Mattfield, Tyler McDonald, Amanda McGlothen, Maguire Merriman, Quincy Miller, Calvin Mitzel, Michael Moore, Mikala Mudrick, Cody Nill, Joseph Parker, Brianna Peters, Emily Pieh, Josep Pons Vives, Cody Quelland, Austin Reeves, Arin Reger, Tyler Reynolds, Logan Schrader, Rachel Seneff, Bethani Shepard, Eli Sheridan, David Victoroff, Levi Wahl, Hailey Wilkinson, Melinda Williams, Michayl Wilshusen, Andrew Winslow, Branden Worfolk, Denali Wurst, Jacob Wylie
Citizens of the Third Quarter – Reid Casey, Landen Dewitt, Kiernan Escott, Brenner Furlong, Daniel Grubb, Charles Meyer, Kamry Meyer, Calvin Mitzel, Tyla Moorleghen, Levi Nelson, Nathaniel Patat, Delaney Risley, Jacob Wylie