School Briefs week of Oct. 29 – Nov. 4

School Briefs week of Oct. 29 - Nov. 4

Soldotna High School

Parent Teacher Conferences are 11/1/18 from 12-3 pm and 4-7 pm

The Soldotna Girls Basketball team will be hosting their annual What Women Want Shopping Expo on Saturday, November 3rdfrom 10-4pm. Concessions will be open. There will be a bouncy house from Jumpin Junction from 11am-2pm and pictures with Frosty the Snowman from 11am-1pm.

Soldotna High School will be hosting a College Goal Alaska FAFSA completion workshop for seniors and their parents on November 27th at 6 pm in room 24. Bring your 2017 tax information. For more information, contact your school counselor.

The Soldotna High School Counseling Department will host two FAFSA Completion Workshops. Bring your 2017 tax info and get expert help filling out the FAFSA on Monday, November 27t6 pmpm in room 24.

The afterschool tutoring buses will start running on 8/28. There are 2 buses that leave at 4:15. You must be on the route list to ride the bus. See Ms. Wear in the library to find out more information and/or get on the bus list. You can also email her at or call 260-7036.

Soldotna Stars Letterman Jackets are available to order Click on Varsity Jackets, find our school by State, select Soldotna High School, starting at $149 you can personalize it anyway you would like. Makes a great Christmas gift!

SoHi Pool Schedule

M,W,F Morning Lap 6:30am-7:30am

Sport Calendar


There are two ways to order a transcript. Each way serves a different purpose.

If you need a transcript sent to a college or NCAA or a similar agency, then you will need to log on to: to order transcripts to be sent. The request is then forwarded to SoHi. After processing, it then goes through cyberspace… rather than the US mail… to get to its destination, which is much faster! All transcripts that are headed for NCAA, colleges, etc. have to be processed this way!

FINAL TRANSCRIPTS! A final transcript is one that shows your second-semester grades… If you order your transcript when we are IN second semester, you will need to make sure you choose “next grading period” when you go on to Parchment… that way your transcript request will wait until the grades are in at the end of the year before it is sent.

Redoubt Elementary

Site Council Meeting, Tuesday, October 30th @ Soldotna High School, 6 pm. Budget discussion, open to the public.

Halloween Family Book Fair night, Tuesday, October 30th 6:00-7:30, costumes are optional, open to all Redoubt students, staff, and families.

Halloween parade! October 31st @ 2:20 in our gym. Parents are welcome. Please, no gore or weapons with your costumes.

Parent/Teacher conferences are November 1st and 2nd. If you have any questions or need to reschedule your conference time please call the office.

Picture retakes are Thursday, November 8th, AM only. They usually are finished before noon.

PTA meeting will be November 13th at 3:45 in the teachers’ lounge. We are looking for members and volunteers to attend these PTA meetings, everyone is welcome to come.

As temperatures continue to drop please make sure children dress for the weather for outdoor recess.

Kenai Central High School

It may be a short week of classes but it is still a busy week at KCHS. There will be no school on Thursday or Friday because of parent/ teacher conferences and teacher in-service. Parent/ teacher conferences will be held in the Auditorium Commons and will be separated into two different sessions: 12pm-3pm and 5pm-8pm.

Kardinal athletes have taken full advantage of the extra days off school by filling up their schedules for the weekend. The Swim team headline the week as they travel to Bartlett for their State Tournament. Some of their experienced relay teams, as well as some very talented individuals, will represent KCHS. Best of luck to the swimmers!

The Lady Kards volleyball team has wrapped up the regular season and will be heading to their region tournament this weekend. All four teams from the Northern Lights Conference will participate in the region tournament, battling for two berths to the State Tournament. The tournament will be double elimination and the two remaining teams will qualify to state the following weekend!

In other sports, Nordic skiing begins their practices on Monday the 29th, while the wrestling team will continue their season with a tournament at Nikiski set for Friday and Saturday, November 2-3. The Hockey team will begin its season this week at the Peninsula Ice Challenge on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Kardinal Hockey team will face off against North Pole on Thursday Night and Chugiak on Friday; both games will start at 7:30 and will be held at the Kenai Ice Rink. On Saturday, the Kards will take the ice at 4:30 at the Peninsula Sports Center and will take on cross-town rivals Soldotna.

Monday 10/29: Jv Hockey @ Homer 5 pm

Nordic Ski Practices Begin

Thursday 11/1: Hockey vs. North Pole @ Kenai Ice Rink, 7:30 pm

Parent/ Teacher Conferences 12pm-3pm & 5pm- 8pm

Friday 11/2: Swim State @ Bartlett

Volleyball Regions @ ACS

Wrestling Tournament @ Nikiski

Hockey vs. Chugiak @ Kenai Ice Rink, 7:30 pM

Saturday 11/3: Swim State @ Bartlett

Volleyball Regions @ ACS

Wrestling Tournament @ Nikiski

Hockey V. SOHI @ Peninsula Sports center, 4:30 pm


Basketball Competitive Play begins today! Sports schedule this week:

Saturday, November 3 – Boys A-Team and Boys B Team Scrimmages at Skyview – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Saturday, November 3 – Girls A-Team and Girls B Team Scrimmages at Soldotna Prep (hosted by Skyview) – 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Site Council Meeting – Tuesday, October 29 – Begins at 5:00 pm and will include the District Budget Meeting at 6:00 pm.

Molly McMillan was chosen as the Quarter 1-Chamber Student of the Month. She will be honored at the Soldotna Chamber of Commerce luncheon on Wednesday, October 31 at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex. Congratulations Molly!

Parent/Teacher Conferences – One day only – Thursday, November 1. No School for Students. Conference times are scheduled online. To find the link to schedule online and additional Parent/Teacher Conference information, please go to: KPBSD district web page > Schools > Skyview Middle School Blog > Student/Parent Information > Parent/Teacher Conferences.

No School for students – Thursday, November 1 and Friday, November 2.

Last week for the Skyview Scholastic Book Fair! This fun reading event helps inspire students to become lifelong readers. LIBRARY book fair hours: Monday, October 29 – 11:30 to 2:30 pm / Tuesday, October 30 – 7:30 – 2:30 pm / Wednesday, October 31 – 11:30 to 2:30 pm / Thursday, November 1 (PTC day) – 12:00 to 4:00 pm and 5:00 to 7:00 pm. The book fair is also ONLINE until October 31 at: Book fair sales help support the Skyview library.

A Cross Country Ski meeting for students who are going out for skiing this year will be on Tuesday, November 13 in the Skyview library at 5:00 pm. At this meeting, students will receive paperwork and discuss fees. Parents must attend with a student.

The Panther Student Council would like to thank everyone who attended the Fall Activity Night and helped make it such a success! HUGE thanks to all the parent and staff volunteers who helped out with supervision and overseeing many of the activities! We couldn’t do it without you! Special thanks to Coca-Cola Bottling of Alaska & Darla Vanderwall for the donation of products for the Soda Bottle Ring Toss game. Many thanks to all of the bakers who donated delicious treats for the Cupcake Walk. And congratulations to the winners of the Candy Jar Guessing Game: Jaden Woodward, Brandie Schwenk, Megan Whittom, Trinity Donovan, and Mya Brown. Mrs. Pothast would also like to thank the more than 40 Student Council members who stepped up to prep prizes, set up the event, decorate, work job shifts during the event, clean up, donate cupcakes, and just did an outstanding job making this Activity Night a fun one! The next Activity Night is Friday, December 14.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District requests input from staff, parents, and community members at the districtwide KPBSD budget development meeting, scheduled at various locations throughout the district on Tuesday, October 30th at 6:00 PM. As new budget information becomes available, it will be posted here: If you have questions, please call Natalie Bates at 714-8888.

Mountain View Elementary

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District requests input from staff, parents, and community members at the districtwide KPBSD budget development meeting, scheduled on Tuesday, October 30th at 6:00 PM in the Kenai Central High School Library.

Parent-Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday & Friday, November 1st and 2nd. There will be no school for students.

The Library will be holding a book fair the week of October 29 – November 2 during school hours and parent-teacher conferences. If you would like to volunteer to help with the book fair please call the office at 283-8600.

There will be a PTA meeting on Thursday, November 8th at 4:00 PM in the Library.

Soldotna Elementary

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

October 29- November 2 Book Fair in the Library

November 1 & 2 Parent Teacher Conferences; No School for Students

November 6 Fall Picture Re-take Day

Parent Pack needs your help! Sign-up for email communications or like the Parent Pack on Facebook for up-to-date volunteer opportunities.

Student notes and bus passes will be sent to classes at 3:00 pm each day. Please send in a note or call prior to this time to ensure your student gets the message.

To keep our school safe, all visitors and volunteers must sign in at the front office and pick up a visitor badge to wear while in the school. Anyone interested in volunteering can complete an online form by visiting the KPBSD website at and click on the volunteers link. This process must be completed each school year. Please contact the Human Resources Department with any questions.

Nikiski North Star

The Scholastic Book Fair is open this week in the NNS library. The fair is open today through Wednesday during the morning hours and it is also open all day on Thursday during parent/teacher conferences. The book fair will not be open on Friday. Please call the library at 776-2630 if you have any questions.

The NNS and NMHS site councils will be meeting at Nikiski Middle High School on Tuesday, October 30th at 6:00 pm. The KPBSD school principals will meet with site councils and the public after a live video streamed presentation from the district. Everyone who is interested is invited to come and participate to learn about budget development and planning. You will learn about district and school level considerations and potential scenarios going forward as the budget process begins for the 2019 – 2020 school year. Parents, staff, students, businesses, community members and elected officials are all invited to participate. If you need more information, please call the school office at 776-2600.

There is no school for students on Thursday, November 1st or Friday, November 2nd because of parent/teacher conferences. School will resume on Monday, November 5th.

Please check the lost and found when you come for your child’s conference. All items will be donated to charity on the 1st and 15th of every month.


Dates To Remember:

10/31 – Soldotna Office: Annual Fall Festival from 1-3pm (more info below)

11/06 – Soldotna Office: Gym time @ Kenai Rec Center 12-2pm

11/07 – Clam Gulch Beach Day Fun 11-1pm (more info below)

11/08 – Homer & Soldotna offices Art Show 3-4pm

11/09 – AVTEC Tour (more info below)

11/13 – Seward Picture Retakes – Seward Middle School Time TBD

11/14 – High School Eligibility Due

11/16 – Central Peninsula: School Pic Retakes @ Borough Bldg 3-5pm

12/13 – Homer & Soldotna office Art Show 1-3pm (ornament craft stations and a dessert potluck @ the Soldotna office)

05/06 – Kenai Fjords Marine Science Explorer Tour – Please Contact Julie Lindquist for More Details or (907) 224-9035

Central Peninsula Gym Time:

Central Peninsula families are invited to come to gym time every Tuesday from 12-2pm at the Kenai Rec Center. Connections have organized activities, games and also free time for students of all ages to participate. Other homeschool families are invited and encouraged to participate. Please note: all students must have an adult present. Come check it out!

Soldotna Connections Annual Fall Festival:

Come join the Soldotna Connections office for our annual Fall Festival October 31st from 1-3pm. There will be food, activities, games and trick-or-treating for students. Costumes encouraged, all ages and all homeschool families welcome! This is always a fun and well-attended event that students look forward to!

Outdoor Club – Clam Gulch Beach Day:

Join the Connections Outdoor Club on a fun day exploring the beach at Clam Gulch from 11-1pm on Wednesday. Nov 7th. All ages are welcome. Warm up with a bonfire, enjoy a s’mores treat and try out one of the Fat Tire bikes we’ve rented, check out the tidal area, fly a kite, take photographs, and enjoy games and fun times with other homeschool families. Meet at the Clam Gulch beach parking lot at 11 am, and please dress for the weather. Contact advisor Mark Wackler at for directions and to RSVP.

Soldotna & Homer Offices: Thursday Art Show:

The Soldotna & Homer offices are celebrating student art, grades K-12, every month! Paintings, drawings, ceramics, photography, digital art, etc… all are welcome and encouraged!

Next month in November: Thankful theme! Thursday, Nov. 8th from 3-4pm

December: Winter theme! Thursday, Dec 13th from 1-3pm. Connections will also have ornament craft stations and a dessert potluck!

**Please note: any and all submissions are welcome regardless of theme**


All Connections High School Students are invited to attend a free guided tour, lunch included, of AVTEC in Seward on Friday, November 9th. AVTEC offers a variety of educational programs such as Construction, Welding, Heavy Equipment Mechanics, Maritime Studies, Electronics, Culinary Arts and many other courses.

Lunch will be provided so please RSVP to Reubin Payne or call the Connections office at 907-714-8880.

WHEN: Friday, November 9th @ 10:00 am

WHERE: AVTEC – 519 4th Ave, in the auditorium on the 2nd floor

Soldotna Prep

October 31 – Haunted Halls, 5:30-8:30 pm, cost is $3.00 sponsored by SOHI Student Council

November 1 – Parent/Teacher Conferences, 1:00-3:00 pm and 4:00-7:00 pm

November 2 – Inservice day, no school for students

November 21 – Early Release

November 22 & 23 – Thanksgiving Break

1st Quarter Honor Roll:

(4.0) – Chloe Armstrong, Trenton Boots, Katharine Bramante, Coen Braxling, Carson Dement, Shaeley Derleth, Zacharry Kitchen, Lachlan McManus, Josephine Moore, Noah Moore, Micah Porter, Alissa Powell, Bethany Richmond, Thea Scanlon, Jordan Strausbaugh, Isabella Valenzuela, Kaytlynn Walden

(3.5-3.99) – Ellison Brinkeroff, Jayla Conrad, Tyler Cox, Hanna Giugler, Jordan Ruffner, Lainey Wattam, Dylan Dahlgren, Deanna Shepard, Carly Sturman, Rhys Cannava, Dylan Davidhizar, Tessa Dearmore, Simon Graham, Jessica Kimes, Joshua O’Lena, Anastasia Parkin, Emmy Reese, Isabella Rodriguez, Kaidence Shaeffer, Quinten Cox, Emma Brantley, Shraddha Davis, Montana Fischer, Justin Hansen, Noah Harper, Nathanael Johnson, Gabrielle Lane, Keegan Lorring, Sarina Wilkinson, Aleena Zenner

(3.0-3.49) – Aubrie Ehret, Sophia Evans, Liam Hartman, Chloe Johnson, Whitney Jones, Cayden Kelly, Cody Koch, Briar Reaktenwalt, Logan Shane, Michael Stillings, Isabella Tough, Jolie Widaman, Brock Wilson, Ashlee Anderson, Taylor Bynum, Gage Davis, Maleda Denbrock, Tristan Edmondson, Adarra Hagelund, Haylee Hodge, Adeline Miller, Tristin Sipes, Emily Hinz, Briley Morton, Kamron Stewart Barrett, Emily Barto, Austin, Hemphill, Ellie Burns, Wyatt Conner, Matthew Gist, Rhiley Halverson, Blaine Hayes, William Hamby, Ivy Daly

After school tutoring is held Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the library from 2:30-3:30 pm (except for early release and no school days). This is a great opportunity to receive help if students are behind, or just want some extra time to work on classroom assignments. Make sure transportation is arranged and students are picked up promptly at 3:30.

Nikiski Middle/High

Thursday, November 1 – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

Parent/Teacher Conferences

8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Volleyball Regions @ ACS


Volleyball Regions @ ACS

Wrestling @ Nikiski Top Dog Invite

Saturday, November 3

Volleyball Regions @ ACS

Wrestling @ Nikiski Top Dog Invite

Middle School Girls Basketball Jamboree @ Soldotna Prep – 10:00 a.m.

Middle School Boys Basketball Jamboree @ Skyview – 9:00 a.m.

The ASVAB will be given on Wednesday, November 14. Those wishing to take this test can sign up with Ms. Lyke.

The Accuplacer will be given at the High School on November 20. Those interested in JumpStart classes at KPC should sign up for the Accuplacer with Ms. Lyke. Forms due by Nov. 13.

Jada Glaves is the Kenai Elks’ Student of the Month for October!

K-Beach Elementary

Mr. Daniels’s class is studying the history of Yellowstone National Park. They are learning how the park was formed and what management decisions were made over the years to manage the diversity of life in the park. Students are participating in a “take a stand” activity where they take on the management of the Park and debating important decisions to keep the park ecosystem healthy. In particular, they are reading about the management of the wolf population over time. They are learning how to use respect and debate etiquette while expressing their point of view.

Nov 1 & 2 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL

Kenai Middle School

This week is Red Ribbon Week. Monday is ‘Cigarettes are out, Mustaches are in!’ Wear red or a mustache! Tuesday is ‘Bee Tobacco Free’. Dress in yellow and black. Wednesday is “Drugs are scary’! Wear a costume.

KMS will reward excellent behavior and grades on Wednesday with Celebration during the last period of the day! Well done KMS students!

Competitive Basketball begins Monday, October 29th. Alternating practice schedules will continue for the A teams. However B team players will now practice at the Kenai Rec Center from 2:30 – 4:30. IF YOU HAVE A B TEAM PLAYER, PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL MONDAY TO ARRANGE A BUS PASS FOR YOUR ATHLETE.

This week A team Girls practice from 2:30 – 4 and A team Boys will practice from 4:00 – 5:30.

There is no school for students on Thursday & Friday.

Parent Teacher Conferences are Thursday & Friday. We will hold arena-style conferences on Thursday from 12 – 4 and 5 – 7. On Friday we will continue with arena-style conferences from 7:30 am – 10:30 am. Scheduled conferences will be held from 10:30 – 2:00. If you would like to schedule a conference please contact your student’s teachers to arrange an appointment time. We look forward to seeing all of you there!


The Life Skill we are focusing on this week is Creativity–To generate ideas; To create something original or redesign through imaginative skill.

Are you planning on volunteering in the classroom or joining your class for a study trip? If so, please make sure that you have an approved background check as well as volunteer training completed prior to volunteering.

Students are allowed to enter the building at 8:35. The door is unlocked prior to that time for band students only. Please be thoughtful of the time when dropping off your child as there is no staff on duty for supervision.

Monday, October 29

Book Fair is open from 8:35-9:10 & 3:30-4:30

Tuesday, October 3

Book Fair is open from 8:35-9:10 & 3:30-4:30

District Budget Meeting at Kaleidoscope from 6:00-7:30 pm

Wednesday, October 31

Character Day (Student Council sponsored Spirit Day)

Book Fair is open from 8:30-9:10 & 3:30-4:00

9:45 KCHS Drum Line performance

3:00 Costume Parade begins and families are invited to attend.

Students may bring their costume to put on after lunch. Please make sure they can put it on over their clothes, with minimal assistance. Teachers will not be able to supervise children in the restroom to change clothes. No face paint or pretend weapons. Only approved volunteers may be in the classrooms for this part of the day but all are invited for the parade at 3:00.

Thursday, November 1

Parent Teacher Conferences-NO SCHOOL

Book Fair is open from 8:30-4:00

Friday, November 2

Parent Teacher Conferences-NO SCHOOL

Book Fair is open from 8:30-12:00

Up Coming Events

November 12- APC meeting in the library at 4:15

November 16 Crazy Hair Day (Student Council sponsored Spirit Day); Christmas Drive request forms are due by 4:00

November 21-Early Release @ 2:10

November 22 & 23-Thanksgiving-NO SCHOOL


Volunteers are welcome any time at Kaleidoscope! Background checks and Volunteer Training are required for each school year to be an approved volunteer. Go to for the 2 links. Background checks may take up to 2 weeks to be processed. Volunteer Indemnification forms are to be completed 2 days before each study trip.

More in News

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U.S. Coast Guard officer Alexander Curran shows Homer visitors the bow of the USCG cutter Naushon on Aug. 4, 2023, in Homer, Alaska. (Emilie Springer/ Homer News.)
USCG cutter Naushon to be decommissioned  

A ceremony honoring the soon-to-be retired ship will be held on Friday, March 21 on the Homer Spit.

Chris Keithley, 2024 Homer Winter King Salmon Tournament champion, poses with his prize fish after the awards ceremony at the Deep Water Dock on the Spit in Homer, Alaska on Saturday, March 23, 2024. (Delcenia Cosman/Homer News)
Winter King Tournament scheduled for March 22

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Caring for the Kenai announces 12 finalists

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Sabrina Donnellan and her family attend a community luncheon for federal employees at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church on Saturday, March 8, 2025. (Jasz Garrett / Juneau Empire)
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