In support of assembly member Willy Dunne

The election for the KPB District 9-South Peninsula Assembly seat will be Tuesday, October 2.

I am supporting current Assembly member Willy Dunne and I urge voters to do the same.

Willy has voted for issues that are important to me including full funding for schools and balancing the KPB budget. Willy is a passionate outdoors enthusiast. His work on community trails projects includes Resolutions promoting Kachemak Nordic Ski Club, Tsalteshi Trails, Snomads and the Homer Outdoor Wilderness Leaders.

While other members of the Assembly attempted to reduce the boundaries of the South Peninsula Hospital Services Area, Willy worked on compromise legislation to allow voters an opportunity to modify the boundaries without negatively impacting hospital finances. He works tirelessly to represent his constituents and I have on numerous occasions contacted him with concerns regarding road service and safety issues and strengthening fish habitat rules.

Willy is a 31 year resident of the Borough and understands the importance of protecting and enhancing the quality of life on the South Peninsula. Please vote for Willy Dunne.

— Patricia Cue, Homer