I look forward to the opportunity to serve the citizens of Kenai as a member of the Kenai City Council. I am excited for our city and the unlimited opportunities we will have in the future.
You can always count on me to be accessible, effective and committed to the future growth of Kenai. Responsible growth is what will assure our citizens of jobs, services and opportunity for our youth. My experiences in oil field operations, small business ownership, serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission, for both the Borough and City, and volunteering for various community organizations, has well prepared me for the office of Kenai City Council Member.
I have lived, worked and raised my family here; I understand the issues and challenges facing our community. I am eager to listen, think positive and plan ahead to assure that our citizens can continue living and playing here. I will promote and encourage healthy communication with the council. I will guarantee a prompt reply to all your concerns.
I stand for:
• Good budget management and protecting essential public services
• Continued development of long-term solutions for Personal Use Fisheries
• I will be a champion of the Bluff Stabilization Project
• I will foster airport growth and improvement, and sponsor fair program for city land sales
• I will help to market our city by encouraging a friendly small business environment
• I will always support our senior citizen, youth and veteran’s services
• You and I deserve a city we can be proud of, a city that is moving forward and ready to face challenges
• We need a city with strong leaders. I am up to the task, and will devote my time to service for the citizens of Kenai
I ask for your vote on October 4th. It will be an honor to serve you!