District 1 has some tough issues facing it in the next few years. Annexation being one of them, one I have come out swinging against from the get go. My concern like my of neighbors is that we should have the ability to vote on the issue of being annexed into the city of Soldotna. The issue of annexing an area without the will of the people is wrong and makes for bad government policy. The City of Soldotna covets idea of annexing the business district of K-Beach and parts of Ridgeway just for the sales tax revenue.
People have asked me why I have so many people running against me. My comment is simple, I’ve upset the administration on issues, come out against the assembly’s president and his wish to annex the K-beach corridor so his new building will be in the City of Soldotna.
In the next three years the Kenai Peninsula is going to see some tough choices and changes come its way. I believe the assembly is going to need someone that is willing to make a stand against new taxes on the good people of the peninsula. I have the back bone and grit to make that stand. My plain spoken truth upsets the apple cart of some politicians and some well entrench government employees who feel that we the people are the minions who should bow to them. As they have forgotten that it is our government, a government of the people, by the people, for the people!
As your elected representative on the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly I am unafraid to make a stand, or ask the tough questions. I like to see a packed assembly chambers as it makes “your” elected leaders more accountable to you, not special interest. On election day I would appreciate your vote. It has been an honor to serve my friends and neighbors of district one.