The hook and release article overlooked many studies on hook and release mortality and reference Bendock circa 1997. Rather than suggest real solutions, ie, drift… Continue reading
As a storeowner in Kenai, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) new vapor product regulations hit close to home. Unless Congress takes action, I will… Continue reading
It’s rare for the Legislature to
provide a welcome surprise these days, but one came Saturday with the passage of a compromise deal on oil… Continue reading
Despite pleas from across the political spectrum that he stop his 140-character outbursts, President Trump can’t stop tweeting. Indeed, he has defended his incessant online… Continue reading
People, we have an attitude problem to discuss: It has come to my attention that too many of you are mocking President Donald Trump and… Continue reading
It was the end of 2012. The country was courting fiscal and political disaster. The Obama-administration Democrats were at an impasse with the adamant GOP… Continue reading
Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to eliminate governmental waste and fraud, just released its “2017 Congressional Pig Book,” an annual… Continue reading
We all expect a certain level of service from government — good schools, well maintained roads, fully staffed first responder agencies, for example — but… Continue reading
The ascension of Donald Trump was supposed to change everything in the GOP. As it happens, perhaps one very important thing hasn’t: The Republicans may… Continue reading
The only conclusion that can be drawn from watching D.C. Republicans vomit all over themselves in their pathetic efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare is… Continue reading
It’s been a rough week for the White House, so reportedly — yet again — Reince Priebus might get fired. Surely, no high-level government official… Continue reading
Oregonians are rightfully proud of the stunning scenic beauty of their state and are accustomed to striking out to experience it whenever they wish, backpacking… Continue reading
Anyone looking for another reason not to leave life-and-death issues to the state need look no further than the conflict between the British government and… Continue reading
The Democrats need to be careful. Already they’re overreacting to the disclosures that Don Trump Jr. and other Trumpsters met with a Kremlin insider seeking… Continue reading
Everybody likes pizza, right? If you’ve ever tried to order pizza for a group, you know it’s not that simple. Everyone always wants something more… Continue reading
Beware of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s lowballing. That’s good advice for the Democrats and others who are getting cocky about defeating a Republican replacement… Continue reading
House Bill 3454, which the Oregon House approved Thursday, is one of those pieces of legislation that’s easy to love and hate at the same… Continue reading
A compromise to end cash payments to oil companies is on thin ice because of the propaganda perpetuated by Anchorage Representative Les Gara and the… Continue reading
The world has had its delusions about China over the years, but none quite as fantastical as the notion of Beijing assuming the mantle of… Continue reading
For more than a decade, the United States Congress has ceded war-making powers to the executive branch and abdicated its constitutional responsibility to debate and… Continue reading