Monday morning, for the third time this year, the members of the Alaska Legislature were scheduled to gather to deal with unfinished business. Once again,… Continue reading
In just the last few days, two African-American men were shot and killed by non-African-American police officers in Minnesota and Louisiana and five non-African-American police… Continue reading
If you’re going to pursue a new business opportunity, you want a partner who can balance a checkbook.That’s why we have second thoughts about the… Continue reading
Alaska is facing an unprecedented budget crisis. This is largely due to a continuing decline of oil production, a precipitous drop in oil prices, and… Continue reading
FBI Director James Comey has given Hillary Clinton something better than a get out of jail free card. He’s protected her from indictment by recommending… Continue reading
Yes, there are several months before Election Day, and so many surprises that could upend things between now and then, but the way things look… Continue reading
Hillary Clinton has scored a highly characteristic political “victory” -- namely, not getting indicted. During a political season when “rigged” has been the most emotive… Continue reading
We wish the best for Alaska legislators heading back to Juneau for the special session that starts on Monday. Over the past months, lawmakers probably… Continue reading
Brace yourselves — they’re coming.For folks watching the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s sonar estimates on the Kenai River, it’s been an exciting week.… Continue reading
Alaska is in a scary place financially. The challenges in front of us put difficult decisions on the table. With dividends at stake, it is… Continue reading
Donald Trump is an optimist. He believes there is nothing wrong with America that autarky can’t fix.Trump’s trade speech was a high-octane assault on the… Continue reading
During his campaign and throughout his term as governor so far, Gov. Bill Walker has frequently said he wasn’t governing to be re-elected. Last week,… Continue reading
Before I’m finished with this commentary, I will have incensed nearly everyone. It’s about guns. So let the fury begin: If I had my way,… Continue reading
There is a price to be paid for fighting terrorism — a price the people of too many nations, including our own, have paid in… Continue reading
As governor, I enjoy shaking a lot of hands. But one handshake in particular stuck with me. At the Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport last… Continue reading
Have you heard that Hillary Clinton is the “first woman” ever to be nominated for president by a major political party? Of course you have.… Continue reading
The long-awaited report by House Republicans on Benghazi released Tuesday packed all the explosive punch of a 5-cent firecracker. Yes, it found a series of… Continue reading
Two hundred and forty years before Brexit, there was Amexit, also known as the American Revolution. In terms of historical consequence, the Brexit vote and… Continue reading
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and… Continue reading
Following a meeting between a group of evangelical leaders and Donald Trump last week, Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, was interviewed… Continue reading