Ever wanted to share a piece of your mind with state legislators? Here is your opportunity.The Senate Finance Committee will be hearing public testimony from… Continue reading
To survive the present, and thrive in coming years, Alaska must transition its economy — transition from a State which derives most of its capital… Continue reading
This past Wednesday, more than 100 Kenai Central High School juniors had the opportunity to get some hands-on experience in the local work force as… Continue reading
Donald Trump will never be mistaken for a cosmopolitan, but he will bring a distinctively European flavor to the 2016 presidential election, should he win… Continue reading
The budget cuts aren’t easy this year. The easy cuts were done last year.Now, the Alaska Legislature’s job is to spread the pain and ensure… Continue reading
Sure, he may be a racist, a misogynist, a dangerous demagogue who unleashes the worst instincts of scared, ignorant bigots, but there is one fact… Continue reading
Last week, the University of Alaska faced a barrage of skepticism from legislators unlike any the institution has seen in years. In hearings by the… Continue reading
I was going to write about how the Republican presidential campaign has become gutter politics, but given Donald Trump’s horrid statements, the gutter would be… Continue reading
Trees — let’s kill them, chop them down, shred them, burn them, bury them and eradicate all that we possibly can! Thankfully the beetles and… Continue reading
Last Thursday, the Daily Mirror reported that Sen. Lisa Murkowski wanted the Senate to carry out its normal “advise and consent” function with the appointment… Continue reading
The anti-Trump onslaught is coming. Perhaps within weeks. Just not necessarily from Republicans.Almost as soon as Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee — which… Continue reading
Depending on the way you color the world, Wednesday was either a black day for Alaska or a red-letter event.Feb. 24 was the first day… Continue reading
Everyone knows the meaning of the word “hypocrite” and no one can claim absolute constancy when it comes to living a life consistent with one’s… Continue reading
As the state and university examine priorities, a very legitimate question is how something as ill defined as “research” can be central to the state’s… Continue reading
It is no small irony when government proclaims it is acting to protect a group’s rights — but does so by limiting the rights of… Continue reading
Kudos to the city of Soldotna, as the community and city government have made significant strides in achieving goals outlined in its most recent comprehensive… Continue reading
One school of thought years ago was that the Large Hadron Collider, the enormous contraption built to bash particles together, might inadvertently become a doomsday… Continue reading
For anyone pinning their hopes on the Alaska LNG natural gas pipeline as a savior for the state’s budget crisis, last week brought tough news.… Continue reading
Alaskans have every reason to take pride in our fisheries. We have what many can only dream of elsewhere around the world. Anglers descend upon… Continue reading
“Breaking news,” said the local anchorman (who looked a lot like Marco Rubio). “Donald Trump has promised to avoid profanity.” It’s a shame really, because… Continue reading