The missing link in the riparian buffer argument is ‘time’, the dynamic variable ‘time’.Other than not over fishing, three essential principles of fish propagation are:Erosion… Continue reading
You are hardly a name-brand company if you haven’t dumped Donald Trump during the past seven days.NBC, Univision and Macy’s all have thrown The Donald… Continue reading
Oh, the vagaries of print journalism.Our original cover story for this Oil & Gas Reporter was a profile of Corri Feige, the new director of… Continue reading
Am I allowed to repeat myself when it comes to the negotiations over the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal?Why not, since that is what Iran’s leaders are… Continue reading
Imagine if we’d had Twitter in our revolutionary days, and the Declaration was a Tweet of Independence: “Yo @King George. We are so outta here!”… Continue reading
Marijuana was again in the news this week, as the state Marijuana Control Board and area municipalities continue to develop regulations for the recently legalized… Continue reading
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and… Continue reading
Everyone knows where the debate over gay marriage is going next. Now that the Supreme Court has imposed its edict on the land, the question… Continue reading
The decision to make environmental changes is one that should never be taken lightly. This is especially true when the consequences of the changes being… Continue reading
Now that the Supremes have handed down what President Barack Obama called the “thunderbolt” ruling allowing gay marriage, it is the law of the land,… Continue reading
It’s time for Alaskans to take a hard look at the state’s prison system and who inhabits it.Next fiscal year, the state of Alaska will… Continue reading
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”What Winston… Continue reading
On Friday morning, the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage rendered moot the state’s pending appeal in its own case, Hamby v. Parnell. While… Continue reading
It is telling that the South Carolina governor who called for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the state Capitol… Continue reading
On Thursday, the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska made a big announcement. You might have missed it — it’s been… Continue reading
The media and the secular left have a love-hate relationship with the Roman Catholic Church and its popes. When the pope takes positions with which… Continue reading
One of our defining national traits is the belief that somehow, some way, we will emerge from our troubles and become a better country. The… Continue reading
With conservation of king salmon driving management of upper Cook Inlet salmon fisheries, it makes sense that managers have taken a conservative approach to the… Continue reading
Earlier this week, it was reported that four of the five black bears that had been relocated to the northern Kenai Peninsula from an Anchorage… Continue reading
It shouldn’t be a surprise that Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, S.C., has taken an unspeakable crime and made it the occasion for… Continue reading