“There was so much that was wrong with the end of this game …”
From Uzintun to lands north of Niqnalchint, Indigenous place names honor First Peoples
“After decades of federal obstruction and delay, I am asserting the state’s control of the navigable waters and submerged lands we received at statehood.”
Just 15 minutes before the shooting started, I had driven through the King Sooper parking lot.
“Issues that psychiatric patients consider important are not included in the ‘crisis now’ model…”
COVID-19 has a vaccination — yours for the taking.
Our club will resume hockey operations at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex beginning April 16.
Murkowski is right. Rescue Plan “went far beyond COVID-19 relief.”
For me, this anniversary provides a reflective opportunity to think about not only what happened in the past year, but how we can continue to move forward as a state.
“HB137 is good for seniors; it is good for Alaskans…”
The Biden administration needs to follow federal law and allow Alaska to honor its constitutional obligation by developing its resources.
Can we make the most of a bad situation?
While each of our universities has its own identity and specialty, our strength comes from our shared vision for the future of higher education in Alaska.
We rose up in a multitude of ways to show our compassion for each other.
Climate change should be thoroughly factored into mine planning and regulation.
Perhaps no group of Alaskans has been impacted more severely by the global economic collapse than our fishers and processors
There are examples at the state level.
Though peatlands cover only 3% of the Earth’s surface, they store twice the amount of carbon as all the world’s forests combined.
Please contact your senator urging passage of the For the People Act.